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6/10 <br />2. The assistance must be necessary to avoid eviction of the family or termination of <br />services to the family; <br />3. There must be a reasonable prospect that the family will be able to resume pay- <br />ments within a reasonable period of time; and <br />4. The assistance must not supplant funding for preexisting homeless prevention ac- <br />tivities from any other source. <br />VII. PROHIBITION OF NEPOTISM <br />SUBRECIPIENT agrees not to hire or permit the hiring of any person to fill a position <br />funded through this Agreement if a member of that person's immediate family is employed in an <br />administrative capacity by SUBRECIPIENT. For the purposes of this section, the term "imme- <br />diate family" means spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister, brother -in -law, sister -in -law, <br />father -in -law, mother -in -law, son -in -law, daughter -in -law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, stepparent <br />and stepchild. The term "administrative capacity" means having selection, hiring, supervisor or <br />management responsibilities. <br />VIII. NOTICES <br />Notices to the parties shall, unless otherwise requested in writing, be sent by U.S. Mail, <br />postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: <br />TO CITY: City of Santa Ana <br />Community Development Agency (M -25) <br />20 Civic Center Plaza <br />P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana CA 92702 -1988 <br />TO SUBRECIPIENT: Connie J. Jones <br />Executive Director <br />SMEDA <br />1601 W. Second Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92703 <br />IX. ASSIGNABILITY <br />None of the duties of, or work to be performed by, SUBRECIPIENT under this Agree- <br />ment shall be subcontracted or assigned to any agency, consultant, or person without the prior <br />written consent of CITY. SUBRECIPIENT must submit all subcontracts and other agreements <br />that relate to this Agreement to CITY. No subcontract or assignment shall terminate or alter the <br />legal obligations of SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement. <br />19 <br />