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To attract a development partner, approximately $500,000 is required. HOPWA funds not <br />allocated for housing support services and direct housing payments are set aside in a <br />development pool, which is expected to reach the $500,000 level again in a few years. <br />6. Distribution Analysis <br />The longer -term transitional and permanent housing units f by HOPWA are scattered <br />across the County of Orange including cities in the north ( central (Santa Ana), west <br />(Westminster) and south (Laguna Beach) portions of th nty. a activities which are <br />individual -based (as opposed to unit - based), such as al assistanc skills training, and <br />housing coordination, are available to any qualifie regardless of to <br />D. Part 1 -C: Barriers or Trends Overview: <br />A trend identifie the City of Santa Ana's HOPWA strategic planning process, and <br />through the HOPWA ed HIV /AIDS housing study of 2006, is the lack of affordable housing <br />for sub - populations such as the undocumented, ex- offenders, and the dually- diagnosed. <br />Future acquisition and rehabilitation projects will target these populations, where feasible. <br />Copies of the 2006 Orange County HIV Housing Plan and the City of Santa Ana Consolidated <br />Plan are available for public review at Santa Ana City Hall, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA <br />92702. <br />52 08/24/2010 <br />