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G. HOPWA Outcomes on Access to Care and Support. <br />a. Support in conjunction with HOPWA- funded Housing Assistance <br />Instructions: Please report on the access to care and support for households receiving case management, <br />employment training, and/or housing placement assistance O( NLY) that is in conjunction with HOPWA - funded <br />housing assistance only (See Part 2, item 8 -i, 10 and 11). Report on the household status at program entry (or <br />beginning of operating year for households continuing from previous year) and program exit (or end of <br />operating year for households continuing services in the following operating y ), if eligible individual living <br />with HIV /AIDS accessed services. <br />L Hasa housing plan for maintaining or establishing stable oQdW 1 0 1 0 <br />ii. Had contact with a case manager /benefit counselor at least o 0 <br />the last three months (or consistent with the schedule specified in <br />iii. Had contact with a primary health care prow once in the 0 <br />last three months (or consistent with the schedu air <br />individualized service Ian <br />iv. Had medical insurance coverage or medical assi L 0 0 <br />v. Obtained an income- produc' d by this Pvk s 0 0 <br />vi. Obtained an incomeA#Wing job outsi is agency d@& the MffifflAIJIM 0 <br />b. <br />ho monthly income of households receiving case management, employment <br />and/or hou acem sistance (ONLY) that is in conjunction with HOPWA - funded housing <br />(See Chart 2, i). <br />$151-$250 <br />$251 -$500 <br />$1001 -$1500 <br />$1501 -$2000 <br />$2001 + <br />3 Mq l�hly I ousaitotd`Incame at Num6eea#„ ., <br />'�� a'FYe�F ,,:,r �HOUSeh�`. <br />ry" <br />i. No income <br />ii. $1 -150 <br />iii. $151 -$250 <br />iv. $251 -$500 <br />V. $501 - $1,000 <br />vi. $1001 -$1500 <br />vii. $1501 -$2000 <br />viii. $2001 + <br />55 08/24/2010 <br />