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the Site attributable to periods subsequent to Closing for such Phase, subject to the Developer's <br />right to contest in good faith any such taxes. Following the Closing for any Phase, the Developer <br />.shall remove or have r mo d any levy or attachment made on any Phase of the Site or any part <br />thereof, or assure the satisfaction thereof within a reasonable time. The Developer may apply for <br />property tax abatement from the payment of all property taxes or assessments during the period <br />of i is ownership on an y i n teres t i n or to t he S i to or a n y p art thereof. <br />11. Compliance with Laws. The Developer shall carry out the design, cons true ti on, <br />development and operation of the Developer Improvements In confonmity with all applicable <br />laws, including all applicable state labor standards, City zoning and development ,standards, <br />building, plumbing, mechanical and electrical codes, and all other provisions of the City <br />Municipal Code, and all applicable disabled and handicapped access requirements, including <br />withou t limitation the Americ ans Wi th Di s abl litres Act, 42 U. S. C. S ee do n 12 10 1, e t seq., <br />Government Code Section 4450, et seq., Government Code Section 11135, el seq., and the <br />Unruh Civil Rights Act, Civil Code Section 1, etseq., and any other applicable <br />Governmental Requirements. <br />11.1 Prevailing Wage Laws. Developer shall carry out the construction <br />through completion of the Project and the overall development of the i to in conformity with a1 l <br />applicable federal, state and local labor laws and regulations, including, without limitation, if <br />applicable, the requirements to pay prevailing wages under federal law the Davis-Bacon Act, <br />40 U.S.C. Section 3141, et seq., and the regulations promulgated thereunder set forth at 29 C.FR <br />Part 1 (collectively, "Davis-Bacon")) and California law (Luber Code Section 1720, et seq.). <br />Notwiffistanding the foregoing, a the Agency hereby acknowledges and agrees that no thing in <br />this Agreement or any of the documents entered into by the Agency and the Developer in <br />connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement) is intended to impose on the <br />Developer, contractually or otherwise, tie obligation to pay prevailing wages under federal, state <br />or local law, and b the Agency hereby represents and warrants to the Developer, its successors <br />and assigns, that all funds used by the Agency in connection with this Agreement and the <br />transactions contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, funds used and to be used by the <br />Agency to acquire each and every component of the Site, funds used and to be used to pay for <br />relocation and demolition of existing improvements on the Site, funds used and to he used to <br />fund the Agency Loans and funds used and to he used to fund Hornehufirer Assistance Loans, <br />solely constitute moneys from a Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund established pursuant <br />to Section 33334.3 of the Calif omia Health and Safety Code, all within the. meaning of <br />Section 1720(c)(4) of the California Daher Code. The Agency understands and agrees that the <br />Developer w ill materially rely on the foregoing warranties in its determination as to whether <br />prevailing wages are required pursuant to California law or Davis-Bacon. The parties <br />acknowledge that a financinar structure u tili in g certain federal and/or state funding sources and <br />financing scenarios not otherwise identified herein may trigger compliance with applicable state <br />and federal prevailing wage lags and regulations. The applicability of federal, state and Deal <br />prevailing wage laws will be determined based upon the final financing structure and sources of <br />funding of the Project, as approved by the Agency Executive Director. <br />The Developer shall he solely responsible, expressly or impliedly and legally and <br />financially, for determining and effectuating compliance with all applicable federal, state and <br />local public works requirements, prevailing wage laws, labor lags and standards, and, except as <br />IOC Of ! 400673 v l 4/20027 2 F ! <br />