Laserfiche WebLink
~lnies priorto date of recording ~ have notified yon ~n ~r~tin~ of sorrte change in <br /> <br /> tenancy, you are to consider that ~ ~il# coi~ect, or have coilected, ail rents ~htch faii <br /> due according to the fore~aing ~tate~ent prior to date of recordings and you v~ill <br /> mare the prorations of rent accordingly. 1~ou wili also pay to the purchaser the above <br /> ~ecur~ ~ deposit any, charging my account. Ail rants are tv be prorated on a thirty . <br /> ~~~}day basis. <br /> e~~e~; ~ <br /> Y <br /> The above information is hereby approved and accepted. <br /> Buyer: <br /> ~mt~a~ J. <br /> 5 <br /> f <br /> I <br /> .S <br /> I <br /> t <br /> <br />