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i <br /> A enc . each art shall be shael res onsible for any brokers ar broker fees in can~unction with this <br /> ~ ~ y ~ <br /> transaction. - <br /> 1 Hazardous waste. elter Seiler nor, to the best of Seller's knowledge, any previous owner, tenant, <br /> accu ant or user of the Pro e used, enerated, released, discharged, stared, ar dispQed of any hazardous - <br /> ~ ~ <br /> <br /> waste, topic substances, or related m.aterlals ~"Hazardous Materials'{} on, under, in, ar about the Property, or <br /> trans orted an Hazardous Materials to or from the Property. Seller shall not cause or permit the presence, use, <br /> P y <br /> generation, release, discharge, storage, or disposal of any Hazardous Materials an, under, in, or about, or the <br /> tra~nspartation of any Hazardous Materials to or from, the Property. The term "Hazardous Material" shall mean <br /> any substance, material, or waste which is or becomes regulated by any local governmental authority, the State <br /> of alifarnia, ar the ~Tnited States avernment, including, but not limited ta, any material or substance which I <br /> ~ defined as a "hazardous waste", 'f e~ ~1 ~iin~il~ hC1~i~.rC~auS VL~~t~i'~, ~r 1f reS~~CteC~. ~la~ar~0u~ ~]V~St~~' ~U.nC~e~' eCt~a. <br /> ~5 ~ 15, X511 or ~ 12.7, or listed pursuant to Section X5140 of the alifarni Health and Safety fade, <br /> Division chapter ~.5 Hazardous haste antral Law}, {iii defined. a "hazardous substance" under Section <br /> 2531 of the aliforrila Health and safety bode, Division 20, chapter ~.S arpenter-Presley-Tanner azardaus <br /> Substance Account , ~~1 defined ~ "hazardous material", "hazardous Substance", "hazardous waste" . <br /> under Section 2501 of the alifarnla Health and Safety fade, Division chapter Hazardous Materials } <br /> Release Res once Plans and Inventory, Div} defined as a "hazardous substance" under Section 2~Z81 of the <br /> p <br /> alifornYa Health and Safety fade, D1vlsxan chapter ~.7 Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances}, 4 <br /> ~v} petraleun~, ~vi~ asbestos, vii} polychlo~nated biphenyls, ~viil~ listed under Article 9 or defined as <br /> 4 <br /> "hazardous" or "extremely hazardous" pursuant to Article 1 f of Title ~ of the California Administrative bode, <br /> D1vrs~on chapter ~4, ~ix~ designated as a "hazardous substances" pursuant to Section 11 of the glean water <br /> Act, ~ ~J. S . . S ~ ~ defined as a "hazardous waste" pursuant to Section ~ 004 of the Resource <br /> onservatian and Recovery Act, 4~ ~~5.. 5~~01 et se . X42 J.S.. X90} or ~xi~ defined as a "hazardous <br /> substances" pursuant to Section 101 of the on~prehens~ve ~nviroiunental Response, ompensati~n, as A <br /> amended by Liability .Act, 42. U.S.~~ S~OI et sue. X42 T.S.. 59~01~. <br /> 17. any lxance with Envirannxental Laws. To the best of Seller's knowledge the Propeity complies with all <br /> applicable laws and governmental regulations including, without limitation, all applicable federal, state, and <br /> local laws ertaining to air and water quality, hazardous waste, waste disposal, and other environmental matters, <br /> p <br /> Including, but not lxn~ited to, the glean water, glean -Air, Federal water Pollution ontraX, Solid waste <br /> Disposal, Resource anservatian Recovery and o~nprehensive Bnviro~unental Response ampensatian and <br /> Liability Acts, and. the California ~nviran~nent duality Act, and the rules, regulations, and ordinances of the ~ <br /> Seller within which the subs ect property Is located, the California I]epart~ment of Health Services, the Regional <br /> water duality control Board, the State water Resources control Board, the Enviran~nental Protection Agency, <br /> and all applicable federal, state, and local agencies and bureaus. <br /> 18. Inden~nit . Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Agency harmless from and against any <br /> claim, action, suit, proceeding, lass, cost, damage, liability, deficiency, fine, penalty, punitive damage, ar <br /> e~ ense includin without liinitation, attorne s' fees ,resulting from, arising out af, ar based upon {i} the <br /> p ~ g~ y ~ <br /> resence, release, use, eneration, discharge, storage, ar disposal of any Hazardous Material on, under, in ar <br /> p g <br /> about, or the trans ortation of any such materials to or from, the Propei-~y, or iii} the violation, or alleged <br /> p <br /> violation, of an statute, ordinance, order, r~1e, regulation, permit, ~udgn~ent, ar license relating to the use, <br /> y <br /> generation, release, discharge, storage, disposal, or transportation of Hazardous Materials an, under, in, or <br /> about, to or f~oin, the Property. This indemnity shall include, without iimltatian, any damage, liability, fine, . <br /> enalt unitive dan~a e cost ar e~ ense arisin from. ar out of an claim, action, suit or raceeding for <br /> p y~ p g~ ~ P g Y p <br /> personal injury including sickness, disease, ar death, tangible or intangible prapei-ty damage, compensation for <br /> last wages, business income, profits ar other economic loss, damage to the natural resource or the environment, <br /> nuisance, pollution, contamination, leak, spill, release, ar other adverse effect an the enviranment~. This <br /> indemnity extends only to liability created prior to or up to the date this escrow shall close. Seller shall not be <br /> ~a~~ 4 of 11 <br /> <br />