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i ~ <br /> LEA. DCPT~N <br /> The hand referred to 1s situated in the bounty of Orange, qty of Santa Ana, State of ~a.lifornia, and de~cr~bed a - <br /> follo~vs: - <br /> Those ortions of sots 7 and 1 Q in Bloch "F" of Fruit ~dditian to Santa Ana East, in the i of Santa Ana as <br /> per snap thereof recorded in Bonk at page 1 S~, of ~Iiscellaneou records of Las Angeles bounty, ~aiifornia, <br /> founded and described as follows: <br /> s <br /> Beginning at a ~a~nt ~n the North~veterl line of said dot distant thereon ~ D~ feet North b3 11~ degrees East <br /> from the most Westerly corner of said dot 7, and. running thence North ~ ~I~ degrees East 5~ feet to the <br /> westerly dine of the land conveyed by Margaret E. Mete to J.O. eta by Deed dated Jan~.ary 9, 1 and <br /> <br /> recorded in Baal 47, at Page, of Deeds, records of said Los Angeles bounty, thence Southerly along the grid <br /> Westerly line to the Northerly line of Bast Sixth Street, thence Westerly along said Northerly line of East Sixth <br /> Street, 54 Feet, thence Northerly to the pant of beginning. <br /> <br /> APN: 39~-3 ~ r <br /> k <br /> 1 ~~L ~ 4,11 .Li <br /> <br />