Laserfiche WebLink
Lr~l~~~ ti~?Z <br />The lend referred to i situated in the aunty of ~ranga~ pity of Santa ~.n, State of alifarnia, and 1s described <br />Beginning at a point in ~e larth line of Sixth Street, ~ 3~ feet hest of e Southeast career of Lat ~ 2, in Black <br />"F", as sham on Neap retarded in Baak 5, Page ~ 8G of ~iscellaneaus ~ecards of dos Angeles ~aun~y <br />~alifarnia~ running thence hest an e I~arth line of Sixth Street, ~~ feet to the Sauth~ve~t corner of Lat ~ ~; <br />the~ac ~lartherl~ an the hest line of ~at~ ~ and ~ ~ of said Black "F'~ to th,e art~i~e~t cornar of paid dot t ~ ; <br />thence ~asterl~ along the Nartherl~ line of said dot 1 1, 7~ feet: thence Sauth to the faint of beginning. <br />1;. Jti./~~ ~~1/V <br />Pa~~ ~ of 12 <br />