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1 ~ ~ Plar~ntng ar~d ~~iidi~g Agency <br />This ~ppl~~a~~on i for: <br />Amendment Applioation <br />~ AppeallPlanning Cammission <br />~ AppeailPlanning Manager <br />~ Appeall~oning Adminastratar <br />~ -3 Parl~ing 111{aiver <br />~ Corti#ic~te of Cornpliar~oe <br />~ Conceptual Re~riew <br />~ Conditional Use Permit <br />~ Development Agreement <br /> Environr~ental Review <br />~ general Rfan Amer~drnent <br />~ Historic Demolition <br />~ I~ist~ric Pro~eot Review <br />O Land tJe Certificate <br />0 Lot Line Adjustment <br />O Met~D East bite Plan Review <br />Illlinor Exception <br />~ l~feighborl~oad Project Review <br />~ Parcell~ap <br />~ Planning Comrnision bite Plan Review <br />Residential Relocation <br />bite Plan Review ~DRC~ <br />~ specific Plan <br />~ Traot Map <br />~ Variance <br />~ caning ordinance Amendment <br />~ ~tl~er <br />P~o~Ct ~~ <br />~asor's Parcel N~r~~e~s~: <br />I, a o~rrent legal owner of the property identi#ied above ar~d i n the attached application~s~, acknowledge the <br />submittal of the above applications}. 1 certify that the inforrr~ation contained in the application package is true and <br />correct to the bast of my knowledge <br />Recorded Property owner <br />or Author#zed nature: <br />Print Name: ..~ ~f ~ - ~..r <br />Title: <br />Date; ~ ~ <br />dote: An original signature is required on this form as part of the application. An agent for the property owner may <br />sign the application provided that a signed originai letter of authoriatlon from the property owner <br />accompanies this affidartit. <br />Pale ~ ~f ~ <br />cm~~c fo~~s~a~fi~av~~ ~~~7 <br />