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l~nless prier t~ date of recording I have nati~ed you in writing of some ~h~n~e in <br />tenan~y# ~~~ are to consider that I will called, or have collected{ ail rents which fall <br />due ar~ordi~n~ to the foregoing statement prior to date of retarding, and you will <br />n~al~e the prorations of rent av~`dingly. Yvu will also pay to the purchaser the above <br />security deposit ~~f any}t cher~in~ my account All rents are to be prorated on a thirty <br />~3~~ day basis <br />~~i~r: <br />1~ ~ ~ <br />~tt~ of A~ic 1V~c~ l <br />o~~~~ E. ~~~~~a <br />E~a~ ~f n~~l ece~ra <br />•~• ~f rE~HC'!V ~'D. .ampl~ell <br />Bre~.~~~ ~~~u~~1~ <br /> <br />~~ta~~ o ~h lis ~ ~n.~v <br />~"r~~~~ .~, e~~~a <br />Fra~tk J. Se urn <br /> <br />The above information is hereby approved and accepted, <br />Byer: <br />~nt~~a .~. N~e~~~n <br />~MN~[J'~Y D~~~~P~~~'~ Ar~NCY <br />~Z <br />