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P. A joint public hearing of the Agency and City Council an the proposed <br />Agreementwas duly noticed in accordance with the requirernertts of CRL <br />sections 4? and 4; and <br />. The proposed Agreement and a summary report meeting the <br />requirements of CRL ectian 34, were available far public inspection <br />priorto the joint public hearing consistent with the requirer?ents of CRL <br />ectian X3433; and <br />R. ?n June ?', Dig, the Agency and City Council held a joint public <br />hearing on the proposed Agreement, at which tirr?e the City Council and <br />the Agency reviewed and evaluated all of the infarn?ation, testimony, and <br />evidence presented during the joint public hearing; and <br />Ail actions required by all applicable law with respect to the proposed <br />Agreement have been tal?en in an appropriate and timely manner; and <br />T. The City has reviewed the surnrnary required pursuant to CrL <br />section 33433 and evaluated other infvrr?tion provided to it pertaining to <br />the findings required pursuantto CrL ectian 33433; and <br />U. The Cit}? Council has previously determined, in its adoption of the <br />ordinance approving the Merged Project, that the portion of the bite <br />located within the lrojec?Area is part of a blighted area and is <br />underutilized, a further het forth in the In?plernentatian Plan previously <br />adopted and amended by the Agency pursuant to CRL section 334D; <br />and <br />11. Thy Agreement would assist in the alleviation ar removal of blighting <br />conditions and provide hauling for low- ormoderate-income persons and <br />would furkher the goads ofthe lrnplerentation Plan by providing for the <br />development of such housing; and <br />VIA, the City Council has duly considered ail terms and conditions of the <br />proposed Agreer?ent and believes that the Agreement is in the best <br />interests of the Agency and the City and the health, safety, and vuelfare of <br />its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of <br />applicable state and local law requirements; and <br />?, In cor?pliance with the Caiifornia ?nviranmental duality Act ?EC?A} <br />{Public resources Cade ?10gg a?e.?, the City Council, as the Lead <br />Agency under CE?A, has certified final Environmental Impact report No. <br />?DO?-g2 prepared far the Transit honing Cade ?? Na. 84} and the <br />?evelaper Project, adapted a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting <br />Program, adapted ail findings required by COCA, and adapted a <br />taement of overriding Considerations. <br />resolution Na. 20a?-? <br />Page 4 of ?