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i. The iurisdiction shall fill in this part of the table with the 100-year <br />return period air freezing index (BF-days) from Figure R403.3(2) or from <br />the 100-year (99%) value on the National Climatic Data Center data table <br />"Air Freezina Index- USA Method (Base 32°)" at <br />www. ncdc. noaa. qov/fpsf. htrnl. <br />i- The iurisdiction shall fill in this Hart of the table with the mean <br />annual temperature from the National Climatic Data Center data table "Air <br />Freezina Index-USA Method (Base 32°F)" at <br />www. ncdc. noaa. qov/fpsf. htm I. <br />k. In accordance with Section R301.2.1.5, where there is local <br />historical data documenting structural damage to buildings due to <br />topographic wind Speed-up effects the iurisdiction shall fill in this mart of <br />the table with "YES." Otherwise. the iurisdiction shall indicate "NO" in this <br />art of the table <br />SECTION 50: That section 8-2811 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows (new language underlined, deleted language in strikeout for tracking <br />purposes only): <br />Sec. 8-281 1 . Masonry stem walls (Section R403.1 .3). <br />Section R403.1 .3 is amended to read as follows: <br />In Seismic Design Categories DO. D1 and D2 masonry stem walls without <br />solid Grout and vertical reinforcing are not permitted. <br />Exception: In detached one- and two-family dwellings which are three <br />stories or less in height and constructed with stud bearing walls plain <br />concrete footings without longitudinal reinforcement supporting walls and <br />isolated plain concrete footings supporting columns or pedestals are <br />ermitted. <br />SECTION 51: That section 8-2900 is added to Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal code to read in full as follows (new language underlined for tracking purposes <br />only): <br />ARTICLE XV. GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE <br />Sec. 8-2900. Adoption by reference. <br />There is adopted by the city that certain code known as the California Green <br />Building Standards Code. 2010 Edition. as published by the International Code Council <br />(hereinafter referred to in this article as the "California Green Building Standards <br />Code"). (effective. adopted. and incorporated by reference into this Code on the date <br />Ordinance No. NS-XXXX <br />75 /? _?? Page 31 of 50