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• Although increasing the width of the driveway beyond the <br />width of the garage would increase the amount of pavement <br />within the front yard setback, this property has 60 feet of <br />street frontage which allows this increase in pavement to be <br />offset by additional front yard landscaping. This additional <br />landscaping would compensate for any increase in <br />pavement and would therefore not be detrimental to the <br />public welfare or injurious to surrounding property owners. <br />4. That the granting of a variance will not adversely affect the General <br />Plan of the City. <br />The granting of a variance for wider driveways would not <br />adversely affect the General Plan of the City. The property <br />in question is located within aSingle-Family Residential <br />neighborhood which is consistent with the General Plan <br />Designation of Low Density Residential for the area. <br />Driveways are ancillary to the primary residential use of the <br />property and would have no affect on the General Plan of <br />the City. <br />E. This project was reviewed in accordance with the guidelines for the <br />California Environmental Quality Act. The recommendation is exempt <br />from further review pursuant to Section 15301. This Class 1 exemption <br />allows the repair and maintenance of existing public or private structures, <br />or topographical features involving negligible or no expansion of use <br />beyond that existing at the time of determination. Categorical Exemption <br />Environmental Review No. 2005-145 will be filed for this project. <br />Section 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Santa Ana after conducting <br />the public hearing hereby: <br />1. Denies Variance No. 2005-38(a) to allow a second driveway that does not <br />lead to a garage for the property located at 2325 West La Verne Avenue. <br />2. Approves Variance No. 2005-38(b) to allow a driveway that exceeds the <br />width of the garage for the property located at 2325 West La Verne <br />Avenue. <br />These decisions are based upon the evidence submitted at the abovesaid hearing, <br />which includes but not is not limited to: the Staff reports and exhibits attached thereto; <br />and the public testimony all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. <br />ADOPTED this 22nd day of August, 2005 by the following vote: <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2005-45 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />