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<br />leave time. The ability to cash out holiday leave time shall be re-instated July <br />1. 2010. Such deferral shall not affect an employee's ability to be compensated <br />for the accumulated holiday leave time upon separation from employment with <br />the City. not to exceed a maximum of 288 hours for employees assigned to the <br />twenty-four (24) hour work shift schedule, or 192 hours for employees assigned <br />to a forty (40) hour work week schedule. <br /> <br />Effective July 1, 2010, employees choosing to cash out their holiday time may <br />do so to a maximum value of 1.33 x 96 hours, or 128 hours for employees <br />assigned to a forty (40) hour work week schedule, or 1.33 x 144 hours, or 192 <br />hours for employees assigned to a twenty-four (24) hour work shift schedule. <br /> <br />AMENDED ARTICLE X (new language in bold; deleted provisions lined out) <br /> <br />10.2 Regular Vacation Period. <br /> <br />C. Computina Regular Vacation. <br /> <br />2. No employee may carryover from one calendar year to the next, more than <br />the equivalent of two (2) three (3) regular vacation periods from the <br />previous two (2) years. and vacation not tal<cn beyond that amount is <br />forfeited. A regular vacation period is defined as the maximum amount of <br />vacation earned in a calendar year as provided in Subsection A above. <br /> <br />lOA Limitation on Vacation. With the exception of a retiring employee, no employee is <br />granted, and no employee shall be allowed to take, any vacation leave with pay in <br />excess of fifty (50) working days in anyone year by combination of the vacations <br />granted in this Agreement. Further, no employee may carryover from calendar <br />year to the next more than the equivalent of two (2) three (3) longevity vacation <br />periods and the equivalent of two (2) three (3) regular vacation periods from the <br />previous two (2) years. and vacation not tal(en bC'fond that amount is forfeitcd. <br />Thereforc, the ma)dmum vacation that an eight (8) hour employee with less than six <br />(6) years service cauld accumulate is thirt.t (3) worl<in~ days (210 hours) and only an <br />ei~ht (8) haul' emJ3lo'fce with morc than twenty (20) )'cars service could carr)' evcr <br />ana tal(e the authorized maximum of fift)' (5) worl<ing days (100 hours) in anyone <br />yeeP-: <br /> <br />10.6 Vacation Pay Options. Once each :ftseel calendar year, all employees covered by this <br />Agreement shall be given the option to receive cash compensation, computed on a <br />straight-time basis, in lieu of up to five (5) working days of earned, unused vacation <br />leave benefits set forth in this Article. Effective January 1, 2009, employees <br /> <br />FMA Contract Extension: 2010-2014 <br /> <br />Page 12 <br />