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Section 110 -- Certificate of Occupancy <br />(2) No alteration to an existing building which changes the floor <br />area of the building or which changes the exits from the building <br />shall be made until the building official has issued a certificate of <br />occupancy therefor as provided herein. <br />(3) No change of occupant within a building or portion thereof <br />shall be made until the building official has issued a certificate of <br />occupancy therefor as provided herein. <br />EXCEPTION: Group R, Divisions 1 and 3, and Group U Occupancies. <br />(4) No building or structure shall be connected with utility <br />services, nor shall a building or structure whose electrical service <br />has been disconnected be reconnected with electrical service until <br />an inspection has been made and the building official has <br />determined that the building does not constitute an unsafe building. <br />SECTION 19: That section 8 -113 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -113. Exception (Section 111.1). <br />Section 111.1 is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />Exception: Certificates of occupancy are not required for work exempt <br />from permits under section 105.2 and Group R Division 3 and Group U <br />Occupancies. <br />SECTION 20: That section 8 -114 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -114. Posting (Section 111.5). <br />Section 111.5 is hereby added to read as follows: <br />111.5 Posting. The certificate of occupancy shall be posted in a <br />conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except by <br />the building official. <br />SECTION 21: That section 8 -115 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -115. Inspections (Section 111.6). <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A -9 Page 9 of 43 <br />