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See Chapter 5 for limitations on environmental air systems exhaust ducts <br />extending into or through ducts or plenums. <br />Exhaust ducts under positive pressure and venting systems shall not <br />extend into or pass through ducts or plenums. For appliance vents and <br />chimneys, see Chapter 8. <br />EXCEPTION: Supply air duct, on the discharge side of an evaporative <br />cooler, shall be conducted through rigid metal ducts constructed as set <br />forth in the ANSUSMACNA 006 -2006 HVAC Duct Construction Standards <br />- Metal and Flexible, or another approved duct construction standard, and <br />unless prohibited by structural conditions shall be graded in the direction <br />of the supply outlet. Factory-made air ducts complying with U.L. Standard <br />No. 181 shall be limited to installation in a vertical position only. <br />Note: Vertical shall be defined as not more than forty -five (45) degrees <br />from the vertical. <br />SECTION 40: That section 8 -667 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 8 -667. Adoption by reference. <br />There is adopted by the city that certain code known as the California Electrical <br />Code 2010 Edition and the administrative provisions set forth herein, (hereinafter <br />referred to in this article as the "Electrical Code ") together with subsequent <br />supplements, amendments, or editions, which shall become effective, adopted, and <br />incorporated by reference into this Code on the date specified by the state building <br />standards commission, unless specifically adopted prior to that date, of which not less <br />than one (1) copy of said Code has been and is now on file in the office of the clerk of <br />the council of the city pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 18942(d)(1) and are <br />made available for public inspection. The electrical code is adopted and incorporated by <br />reference as though fully set forth at length herein as provided for in section 419 of the <br />Charter of the city, except for the changes to the electrical code set forth in this chapter <br />of this code that specifically amend the electrical code. Any previously enacted, <br />unrepealed provision of this Code that amended a pre -2010 edition of the "Electrical <br />Code" shall also be construed as amending the applicable provision of the 2010 or later <br />edition of the electrical code. The electrical code as amended, together with all other <br />provisions of this article, shall be known as the city electrical code. <br />SECTION 41: The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines <br />and declares that adoption of section 8 -815 amending California Electrical Code Section <br />110.5 is necessary because earthquakes are a common occurrence in the local area; that <br />earthquakes may cause electrical connections and screws to loosen, causing arcing <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11A-16 Page 16 of 43 <br />