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Exception: An additional level shall be permitted where the <br />renovation of attic, vehicle parking, or storage space creates a <br />habitable floor level in an existing one - family dwelling. <br />2. Exposed in dropped or suspended ceilings in other than one - <br />and two- family and multifamily dwellings <br />3. As service- entrance cable <br />4. In any nonresidential building or structure <br />5. In hoistways <br />6. Embedded in poured cement, concrete, or aggregate <br />7. In storage battery rooms <br />8. In hazardous (classified) locations <br />(B) Types NM and NMS. Types NM and NMS cables shall not be <br />installed in the following: <br />1. Where exposed to corrosive fumes or vapors <br />2. Where embedded in masonry, concrete, adobe, fill, or plaster <br />3. In a shallow chase in masonry, concrete, or adobe and covered <br />with plaster, adobe, or similar finish <br />4. In wet or damp locations <br />SECTION 45: That section 8 -2000 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />ARTICLE XI. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE <br />Sec. 8 -2000. Adoption by reference. <br />There is adopted by the city that certain code known as the 2009 International <br />Property Maintenance Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Property Maintenance <br />Code "), together with subsequent supplements, amendments, or editions, which shall <br />become effective, adopted, and incorporated by reference into this Code on each new <br />official publication date of the International Property Maintenance Code, of which not <br />less than one (1) copy of said Code has been and is now on file in the office of the clerk <br />of the council of the city pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 18942(d)(1) and <br />are made available for public inspection. The said Code is adopted and incorporated as <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11A-18 Page 18 of 43 <br />