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Spa and Hot Tub Code "), of which not less than one (1) copy of said Code has been <br />and is now on file in the office of the clerk of the council of the city pursuant to Health <br />and Safety Code Section 18942(d)(1) and are made available for public inspection. The <br />uniform swimming pool, spa and hot tub code is adopted and incorporated by reference <br />as though fully set forth at length herein as provided for in section 419 of the Charter of <br />the city, except for the changes to the uniform swimming pool, spa and hot tub code set <br />forth in this chapter of this Code that specifically amend the uniform swimming pool, spa <br />and hot tub code. Any previously enacted, unrepealed provision of this Code that <br />amended a pre -2009 edition of the uniform swimming pool, spa and hot tub code shall <br />also be construed as amending the applicable provision of the 2009 or later edition of <br />the uniform swimming pool, spa and hot tub code. The uniform swimming pool, spa and <br />hot tub code, as amended, together with all other provisions of this article, shall be <br />known as the city swimming pool, spa and hot tub code. <br />SECTION 48: That section 8 -2800 is added to Chapter 8 of the Santa Ana <br />Municipal code to read in full as follows: <br />ARTICLE XV. RESIDENTIAL CODE <br />DIVISION 1. GENERALLY <br />Sec. 8 -2800. Adoption by reference. <br />There is adopted by the city that certain code known as the California Residential <br />Code, 2010 Edition, based on the 2009 International Residential Code as published by <br />the International Code Council, (hereinafter referred to in this article as the "Residential <br />Code" or "California Residential Code "), (together with subsequent supplements or <br />amendments shall become effective, adopted, and incorporated by reference into this <br />Code on the date specified by the state building standards commission, unless <br />otherwise specified), of which not less than one (1) copy of said Code has been and is <br />now on file in the office of the clerk of the council of the city pursuant to Health and <br />Safety Code Section 18942(d)(1) and are made available for public inspection. The <br />Residential code is adopted and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth at <br />length herein as provided for in section 419 of the Charter of the city, except for the <br />changes to the Residential code set forth in this chapter that specifically amends the <br />Residential Code. The Residential code, as thus amended, together with all other <br />provisions of this article, shall be known as the city Residential code. <br />Appendices which are adopted pursuant to this section, are as follows: <br />Appendix H, Patio Covers <br />Appendix J, Existing Buildings and Structures <br />SECTION 49: That section 8 -2600 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A-23 Page 23 of 43 <br />