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Reinstatement may occur when the alarm user has taken steps to <br />eliminate or correct the problem(s) and has documented the corrective <br />action in writing to the fire chief. <br />SECTION 57: That section 14 -25 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 14 -25. Access roadways for apparatus (Section 503). <br />(a) Subsection 503.1.1 of the California Fire Code is amended to read as <br />follows: <br />(a) Required construction. Every building or portions of buildings <br />hereafter constructed shall have fire apparatus access roadways. Such <br />access roadways shall provide two (2) separate but interconnected means <br />of ingress and egress. Access shall be at least twenty (20) feet in clear <br />width. A forty -foot outside and twenty -foot inside radius shall be provided <br />wherever they make a turn. The total width shall be continuously paved to <br />accommodate sixty thousand (60,000) pounds and shall not exceed the <br />angle of departure (eight (8) degrees or fourteen (14) percent) for fire <br />apparatus on any slope. Access roadways shall have a vertical clearance <br />of not less than thirteen (13) feet six (6) inches above the finished <br />driveway surface. <br />EXCEPTIONS: <br />1. When buildings are completely protected with an approved <br />automatic fire sprinkler system, the provisions of this section may <br />be modified. <br />2. When access roadways cannot be installed due to <br />topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar <br />conditions, the chief may require additional fire protection as <br />specified in Section 901.4.3. <br />3. When there are not more than two (2) Group R, Division 3 or <br />Group U Occupancies, the requirements of this section may be <br />modified, provided, in the opinion of the chief, firefighting or rescue <br />operations would not be impaired. <br />4. When access roadways cannot be installed in accordance to <br />the ordinance due to in fill projects, and land or parcel constraints, <br />the Chief may require enhanced fire protection by method of <br />construction, compartmentalization and or fire separation <br />construction. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A -30 Page 30 of 43 <br />