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(1) The required width of any fire apparatus access road shall <br />not be obstructed in any manner. Minimum required widths and <br />clearances established under this section shall be maintained at all <br />times. <br />(2) No person shall cause or permit any vehicle, including, but <br />not limited to, automobile, motorcycle, truck, bicycle or any other <br />vehicle in his control or ownership, to be stopped in an area <br />designated for emergency vehicles. <br />(3) This section applies to all non - emergency vehicles <br />whatsoever, attended or unattended, stopped for any length of time <br />except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in <br />compliance with directions of a police officer or fireman. <br />(4) Any vehicle found in violation of this section may be towed at <br />the owner's or operator's expense at the request of any Santa Ana <br />police officer, parking control officer, California Highway Patrol <br />officer, Orange County deputy sheriff or any fire department <br />personnel described in section 1 -18 of this Code. <br />(b) Infraction violations. Any violation of this subsection 503.4 shall be <br />deemed an infraction. <br />SECTION 58: The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby finds, determines <br />and declares that adoption of Section 14 -27 amending California Fire Code section 507 <br />is necessary due to climatic conditions of high winds and low humidity. Combined with <br />high density city population conditions may be conducive to rapidly spreading fires. <br />These climatic conditions and winds contribute to the rapid spread of even small fires <br />originating in high density housing therefore creating a need for increases fire <br />protection. This amendment defines fire flow, fire sprinkler and fire hydrant placement <br />requirements. <br />SECTION 59: That section 14 -27 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is hereby amended <br />such that it reads as follows: <br />Sec. 14 -27. Fire flow requirements (Section 507). <br />(a) Subsection 507.1 of the California Fire Code is amended to read as <br />follows: <br />507.1. Required water supply for fire protection. <br />No building shall hereafter be constructed which would require a fire flow <br />of more than five thousand five hundred (5,500) gallons per minute. No <br />existing building shall be added to, altered, or changed in the character of <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A-32 Page 32 of 43 <br />