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measured at the hydrant outlet of not less than twenty (20) pounds <br />per square inch during times of average daily consumption. <br />Water supply may consist of reservoirs, pressure tanks, elevated tanks, <br />water mains, or other fixed system capable of supplying the required fire <br />flow, subject to the approval of the fire marshal. The precise location, <br />number and type of fire hydrants connected to a water supply to be <br />provided in accordance with this subsection shall be subject to the <br />approval of the fire marshal. All hydrants shall be accessible to the fire <br />department apparatus by roadways meeting the requirements of Section <br />503. <br />No use of an existing building, or any portion thereof, for either a place of <br />assemblage or a Group H occupancy, as defined in subsections 903.2.1 <br />and 903.2.5, shall be initiated or expanded unless the building as a whole <br />will comply with the requirements of this subsection 507.1 such as would <br />apply to the new construction of such building for the same uses. <br />For purposes of this section, an existing building or structure shall be <br />deemed to have a value equal to the current cost of construction of a <br />building or structure of the same size and type of construction. In <br />determining such value, the fire marshal shall be guided by the most <br />recent building valuation data published by the International Conference of <br />Building Officials. <br />In determining the fire flow requirements for any building, structure, or fire <br />area, the fire marshal shall proceed in accordance with the standards set <br />forth in that certain "Santa Ana Fire Department Guide for Determination <br />of Fire Flows," of which not less than one (1) copy is on file in the office of <br />the clerk of the council of the City of Santa Ana. <br />(b) Subsection 507.3 of the California Fire Code is amended to read as <br />follows: <br />507.3. Fire Flow Methods. <br />An automatic sprinkler system must be installed in buildings hereafter <br />constructed, or when additions, alterations, or repairs are such as to <br />require the building to comply with all the requirements of the building <br />code of the City of Santa Ana for new buildings, in either of the following <br />circumstances: <br />• The building would require a fire flow of more than two thousand <br />five hundred (2,500) gallons per minute if such system were not <br />installed; <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />11 A-34 Page 34 of 43 <br />