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CUP No. 2010-23 <br />December 13, 2010 <br />Page 3 <br />The applicant has explored alternatives to this monopine, including providing a roof mounted facility <br />on an existing building in the area, co-locating on another facility, or locating at a different site. The <br />heights of the buildings (predominantly one story) in the immediate area do not provide the necessary <br />height to provide adequate service. Further, the closest wireless facility in the area was too far from <br />T-Mobile's coverage area and would require the approval of an additional facility to meet their service <br />needs. Finally, other properties in the area were reviewed for this facility. However, these properties <br />were either nonconforming related to parking, had size constraints and could not accommodate a <br />wireless facility, or were not interested in the proposed facility. The proposed monopine will be <br />located on the west side of the existing building, will be 170 feet from the closest single-family <br />residential uses, and will be separated from the residential by the flood control channel and Flower <br />Street. A facility designed as a monopine would provide the best stealth possible for this location. <br />This location is also optimum to provide the coverage necessary for existing and expanding service. <br />"fhe proposed cellular antennas will provide a benefit to Santa Ana residents, businesses and <br />motorists who subscribe to T-Mobile by closing service gaps in the area. Equipment for the facility will <br />be located in a new enclosure at the side of the building and will be screened by wrought iron and <br />vines. The proposed wireless facility complies with the City's Wireless Communications Facility <br />Ordinance and will provide needed service to this area of the City. The project is consistent with the <br />goals and objectives of the General Plan. Based upon the above analysis and findings, staff <br />recommends that the Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit No. 2010-23 as <br />conditioned. <br />CEQA Compliance <br />This project was reviewed in accordance with the Guidelines for the California Environmental <br />Quality Act. The recommendation is exempt from further review pursuant to Section 15303. This <br />Class 3 exemption allows in-fill developments for the construction and location of limited numbers <br />of new, small facilities or structures. Categorical Exemption Environmental Review No. 2009-191 <br />will be filed for this project. <br />Vince Frego , AI <br />Principal PlaN1W <br />VF:jm <br />vflreportMcupl0-23 TMobile.pc <br />31A-4