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Chapter 3 Findings Regarding Project Alternatives <br />Although the No Project Alternative would avoid all of the Project's near-term construction-related <br />environmental effects, including the Project's significant an unavoidable impact to the intersection of <br />South Bristol Street/West Segerstrom during the implementation of Construction Configuration C.2, <br />this alternative would not meet any of the Project's basic objectives. Specifically: <br />• The No Project Alternative would not result in the construction of a replacement lift station <br />to replace the existing lift station that has exceeded its design life. <br />• The No Project Alternative would not allow for the installation of modern lift station <br />equipment and associated wastewater conveyance infrastructure that would provide system <br />redundancies and reduce the potential for sewer spills. <br />• The No Project Alternative would not provide for a replacement lift station facility in which <br />electrical components are housed above ground to preclude the potential for electrical failure <br />during peak storm events, as the existing lift station facility houses all of its electrical <br />equipment underground and is subject to flooding. <br />• The No Project Alternative would not provide for a facility that accommodates sufficient <br />access space for maintenance workers, as the existing facility is located beneath the crown of <br />South Bristol Street and affords very little space for maintenance workers. <br />• The No Project Alternative would not improve safety for motorists and City workers, as the <br />existing lift station is located within the right-of-way of South Bristol Street, a major City <br />thoroughfare. <br />• The No Project Alternative would not reduce the potential for odor-related nuisances to land <br />uses in close proximity to the facility, as no new odor-control systems would be installed. <br />• The No Project Alternative would not provide for hardscape and landscape improvements <br />and would not result in the demolition of the existing outdated facility. <br />As a result of its inability to meet the basic project objectives, the No Project Alternative would <br />eliminate the opportunity to provide the numerous benefits of the Proposed Project, as set forth in the <br />Statement of Overriding Considerations, including the installation of a replacement lift station <br />facility that reduces the potential for sewer spills and nuisance odors; enhanced City worker and <br />vehicular safety; improved appearance of the immediate area (i.e., hardscape/landscape <br />improvements); and the provision of a generally more reliable and efficient lift station facility as <br />compared to the existing facility. <br />Additionally, the No Project Alternative would generally increase impacts to the environment under <br />long-term conditions as compared to the Proposed Project. Specifically, the existing Segerstrom Lift <br />Station facility was originally constructed in the 1960s and has exceeded its design life. The existing <br />lift station facility has become inadequate to handle existing sewerage flows and is obsolete in <br />comparison to modern lift station designs. Needed redundancies associated with the existing lift <br />station are inadequate in that two pumps are frequently operated near capacity without a third <br />standby pump. These conditions result in an increased potential for sewer spills as compared to the <br />Proposed Project. With the increased potential for sewer spills under long-term conditions, impacts <br />to air quality (odors), hazards/hazardous materials, and water quality/hydrology would increase. <br />Additionally, since the existing lift station is located within the northbound travel lanes of South <br />Bristol Street, long-term maintenance of the existing facility would result in periodic lane closures <br />along South Bristol Street, which would result in increased impacts to traffic and air quality. <br />San Lorenzo Lift Station EIR (Project No. 06-3510) 3-3 <br />Findings of Fact/Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />55B-28