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3. Oral Communications -Comments from the public. <br />(For matters not listed on the Agenda) <br />There were no oral comments from the public. <br />4. Comments from the Executive Director. <br />There were no comments. <br />' S. Comments from staff. <br />Ms. Maya DeRosa, Senior Planner, informed the Commission of the distributed memo and <br />attached map of the boundaries of the French Park Historic District. Commissioner Giles <br />indicated that he had done some research and he confirmed the French Park neighborhood <br />to be congruent with SD 19 and he requested that staff correct the records. <br />6. Comments from the Citv Attorney. <br />There were no comments. <br />7. Comments from the Historic Resources Commission. <br />Commissioner Bustamante <br />• Expressed his congratulations to Mr. and Mrs;. Cate for the approved Property <br />Preservation Agreement and for preserving the historic building. <br />Commissioner Chinn <br />• Informed the Commission that the City Co4ncil had approved approximately <br />$80,000 of the requested Commission funding and requested staff provide <br />information to the Commission as to how the funds would be spent. <br />Commissioner Giles <br />• Congratulated the Cates on the approval of the Historic Property Preservation <br />Agreement; <br />• Reported that there was a home located at 728 fast Chestnut that was boarded up <br />and stated that it appeared to be a City owned', property and he was interested in <br />finding out when it was built, when the City acquired it, and the future status of the <br />structure; and <br />• Stated that he was concerned that the Commission did not meet quorum last month <br />due to absences and requested that the Commi$sioners make a concerted effort to <br />attend all of the meetings. ', <br />I <br />Commissioner Corpin <br />• Requested staff keep the Commission posted on the Masonic Temple and reminded <br />staff that completion was to take place during the ~ummer. <br />Commissioner Kinas <br />• Invited the Commission to the Wilshire Square surlnmer concert on July 22; <br />• Informed the Commission that Wilshire Squar$ was recognized by the Orange <br />' County AIA as an excellent example of urban neighborhood design; <br />• Volunteered herself to work with staff on research standards and improve her <br />knowledge of historic/architectural analysis; <br />• Requested an updated checklist for putting properties on the Register; <br />• Acknowledged that the courthouse would be celebrating their centennial in 2002 and <br />she would like to move up the plaque program do address the landmark structures <br />and issue a plaque before the centennial celebration; and <br />4 <br />