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Historic Resources Commission
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2/3/2011 11:19:51 AM
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Ms. DeRosa stated that staff was comfortable with its recommendation, the intent of the requirements was to <br />.. .. . _.__ _~..t_ ~:_.__-__, _._......._..,..._.1 .A..~ !tie .....:1.:1:,.. ..F ,tin c~mn,.mn mnn1A nnf Iv <br />Ms. DeRosa stated that staff was comfortable with its recommendation, the intent of the requirements was to <br />ensure the aesthetic chazacter of the historical structures and that the visibility of the structure would not be <br />impaired. <br />Motron to recommend that the City CouncQ adopt a resolution establishing requirements for the Mills Act <br />Agreements. <br />MOTION: Giles SBCOND: Corpin <br />AYES: Kings, Brener, Chinn, Giles, Gazmer and Bustamante <br />-NOES: Brenes <br />ABSENT: Berry and Cribb <br />4. Corttments from the Executive Director. <br />Ms. Robyn Uptegraff apprised the Commission that the Commissions' funding request was included in the <br />administrative budget of the Agency and City Council was scheduled to take action on the entire City budget <br />in June 2000. Commissioner Kings emphasized to the Commissipners to encourage Council to support the <br />funding request. <br />5. Comments from the Planning staff. <br />Mr. Joseph Edwards, Principal Planner, informed the Commission that he and Ms. Cristine Shaw along <br />with other staff members recently attended a historical seminar and one of the sessions focused on placing <br />properties on the Register without the owner's permission. Ms. Shaw stated that although it was discussed, <br />she would like to receive interpretation from other City attorneys. <br />6. Comments from the City Attorney. <br />Ms. Cristine Shaw, Assistant City Attorney, informed the Commission that staff learned at the recent <br />seminar that the City of Santa Ana was ahead of most other.. cities with the creation of the Historic <br />Commission and with the adopted ordinances related to historical Structures. <br />7. Comments from the Historic Resources Commission. <br />Commissioner Brener informed the Commission that he was a member of the Santa Ana Kiwanis Club, the <br />Club had meetings every Wednesday, and he invited and encpuraged the Commissioners to attend any <br />meetings and lunches and to possibly become members of the Club. <br />Commissioner Corpin mentioned that many Commissioners recently attended a tour of the Masonic Temple <br />and requested that another tour be scheduled so the other Cotntn~ssioners who were unable to attend could <br />attend and she stated that the week of April 17, 2000 would be great. <br />Commissioner Bustamante invited the Commission to attend the Floral Park's home tour during the month <br />of April; he stated that the tour was an annual event and that there were discount tickets on the Internet to <br />attend the tour. <br />Commissioner Gartner informed the Commission that he had recently attended a lunch with Commissioner <br />Brener at the Kiwanis Club and expressed his appreciation to Commissioner Brener for the invitation to the <br />Club luncheon. He further commended the Kiwanis Club for all of their work for the community. <br />Commissioner Chinn referenced the memo distributed to the Commission regazding the property inventory <br />template and commented that the template did not contain the State criteria and he believed it was important <br />to have the State guidelines on the template. <br />' Cottunissioner Giles requested staff express the Commissions' condolences to Commissioner Berry; and he <br />expressed concern that another home had been lost, located at 501 Cypress, and he stated that every effort <br />was needed for salvaging. <br />Commissioner Kings: 1) commented that recently she had expressed some frustration with staff due to <br />believing that progress and closure was not being made as quickly as she desired; and stated that when she <br />or other Commissioners called staff and requested an additional task or information, it pulls staff away from <br />the expected work and pushes back the timeframes from the specific tasks and the objectives that the <br />Commission has established; 2) expressed that the Commission packages were received very late for the <br />meeting, she was aware of the Division's computer problems but she requested that the packages be <br />distributed no later than the Monday before the scheduled meetings; 3) requested that the historic template <br />have complete documentation and commented that the template must meet State and Federal requirements <br />and requested that the Commission review the template once completed; and 4) informed staff and the <br />Commission that there was a recent article in the Wall Street Journal regarding historical training for real <br />
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