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1. INVITATION <br />The City of Santa Ana (City) invites proposals from qualified individuals or firms to implement <br />the City's programs for the purchase, rehabilitation and resale of foreclosed residential <br />property. The City has been designated to receive $1,464,113 in NSP3 Federal funds aimed at <br />stabilizing neighborhoods that have been impacted by foreclosures and abandoned properties. <br />The City will enter into an Agreement with the individual or firm selected to provide these <br />services. Respondents must be willing to implement all aspects of both programs. <br />The City seeks respondents who can demonstrate that they have substantial experience and <br />competency in the full range of activities required to successfully implement these programs. <br />To that end, may propose teams of entities that as a group can demonstrate capacity to <br />perform all services. This entity must also have a denionstrated ability to leverage the City's <br />NSP3 funds with private funds. Prior experience with NSP funded activities is not a <br />requirement, but will contribute significantly to.the strength of a proposal. <br />Acting as the City's intermediary, the selected entity will operate these programs solely within <br />the City's Priority Area as described below, and will use NSP4,,funds to acquire, rehabilitate and <br />resell foreclosed single family homes. These may be either attached or detached homes. <br />Mobile homes will not qualify. <br />Interested parties are invj$ed,to submit a proposal as outlined inthe Request for Proposal (RFP) <br />via mail, hand delivery to: <br />pfcourer <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Community Development Agency. . <br />20 Civic Center Plaza (Third Floor) <br />Santa Aria, CA 92701' <br />The highest ranked;applicants will be contacted on March 28, 2011 to schedule a mandatory <br />interview to be held'on March 31,2011. We highly recommend that all team members attend <br />We anticipate making a reco;m_ mendation for selection of the successful proposal to the City's <br />Redevelopment and Housing Commission on April 19, 2011, and to the City Council on May 2, <br />2011. <br />You may wish to periodically check the City's website for any notices and answers to questions <br />that may arise throughout the RFP process. <br /> asp <br />Page 2 <br />20A-39