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o Liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1 million, with the City named as <br />an additional insured endorsee. The City's required additional insurance <br />endorsement is attached to this RFP as Attachment 6. <br />o Automobile insurance in an amount of not less than $1 million. <br />o Worker's Compensation Insurance. <br />• Cooperate with the City in its efforts to comply with all audit requests. <br />6. Applicant Characteristics <br />The City seeks respondents who have demonstrated experience and competency in the entire <br />range of activities required by the City's programs, and preferably are fully conversant with <br />NSP. To that end, respondents may propose teams of entities that as a group have significant <br />knowledge of NSP and demonstrated capacity to perform all services. <br />If the respondent is a team, the City will require "one entity to be the leaq.entity. The lead <br />entity must: <br />- hold title to the property b'tvr en acquisition`and sale, <br />- enter into the agreement V t?ie.City for program, participation, <br />- perform all rehabilitation wor 'pursuar}t, o City's requirements <br />- receive and be responsible for all.?unds under the program, and <br />- be responsibla.for uired compliance and reportin <br />aR , <br />M <br />The other entities in th e- respond4t team shouldenter into letters of agreement, memoranda <br />of understanding, or similar..agre gets with the lead entity to provide the needed services for <br />the program Ifthe other tearp,mer-hbers incur eligible costs that are approved by the City, they <br />will be reimbursed through the lead entity, per'the terms of their agreement. <br />Other team members should,demonstrate that, as a group, they provide all experience and <br />expertise needed to carry out the proposed plan. Specific items to demonstrate these <br />capacities are outlined in the Proposal Content section below. <br />7. Proposal Content <br />Proposals shall follow the format outlined below. The RFP is intended to assess and evaluate <br />each respondent's capabilities as they apply to the proposed project. All proposals will be <br />submitted on 8 %x11 size paper with sections tabbed for easy identification. The proposal <br />requirements are as follows: <br />i. Cover Letter and Contact Information Sheet: Each proposal shall be accompanied by a <br />cover letter identifying the respondent(s) and briefly describing the proposal. <br />All proposals must include a cover letter and contact information for all lead persons <br />who be responsible for successful completion of the tasks and goals identified in the <br />proposal. At a minimum the cover letter must include the following: <br />Page 8 <br />20A-45