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HDI-GERLIIVG AMERICA INSURANCE'COMPANY <br />MANUSCRIPT ENDORSEMENT # 34 <br />Polley Number Named Insured. <br />QLO?f909-03 SIEMEIV,S CORPOR<i.TIOfV <br />Palley"PeHotls Inceptlan (M-D:Y) Expiration (M=D-]n Effective Data and <br />Tlrne. of Endorsement <br />10-01?1'I 10.01-12 10-01.+11 12:01'am. Sffindard Time <br />at Address of the Insured. <br />Th/9 Eiidoraanani Changes T? Pbpcy. Please Read It Casafudy. <br />BLANKET ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />Thisendorsarrfgntmodifies Insuranceprovided under thie'foIlpHAng; <br />Commercial t3eneral Liat?111ty Coverage Farm <br />Who Is .an insured Is emended ta.lnduiie as err insured ahy person whom you ;are.re9uired to add as, an additional <br />ktsurecl.on.thls policy::undera;wrltten agreement. 7F?e insurance coverage provided,tcs such additional insured applies <br />cx?ly to the extent requited within the written agn3arnetrts <br />ere <br />coverage <br />-shall .ndt provide; any bnoaiier coverage then you <br />en agreement and, shall not provide _I.imits of <br />d to"you. in this. policy, or• the'llrriits:of Insurano.Q you <br />The insuranoe provided to the adtlltlonal_insuredby this endorsement ls,exoess over.any valid: and coliectlble other <br />insurance, vrhetherprtmary, excess,, contingent,: or on any other; bests, that is available to the ariditlonaf inured for a <br />loss we cover under this endorserTent. however, if the.vrritten egreement;speciflcaUy requlres.the4 thls'Jnsurance <br />apply on a prlrnary'besls, this Insurance Is pMrnary. If the.written. agreement spe.ciflcaly requires. this:Insun3nce apply <br />on.a.prirnary and noncontributory basis fhl.§: insurance is primary to other Insuranoe evapable to the additional insured <br />and.we vrlltno# sharewith #haf other insuranoe; <br />Thar, endcxsetitent. shall prevail over'. etlditlonel Insured endorsements that may aPPN uederthls:pdioy.unless required <br />otherwise in the written agieem?nf. <br />All t'ermscand.condkions_of the polioy.remain unchanged, <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT MU$T BE AT7ACIiED T? q ?HANCi? EN DOR$EMENTWHEN IS$UED AfTE1t TH.E:PbLIGY:18 <br />;V1/RrrTEN. <br />Psge l of ]