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Developer does not assume City's responsibilities for environmental review in 24 CFR 92.352 or the <br />intergovernmental review process in 24 CFR 92.359. <br />1.114. Request for Disbursements of Funds. Notwithstanding anything contained in this <br />Agreement to the contrary, Developer may not request disbursements of funds under this Agreement <br />until the funds are needed for payment of eligible costs (such funds shall be used solely towards the <br />construction of the Project). The amount of each request shall be limited to the amount needed. <br />1115. Eligible Costs. Developer shall use HOME Funds to pay costs defined as "eligible <br />costs" pursuant to 24 CFR 92.206. <br />1116. Records and Reports. Developer shall maintain and from time to time submit to <br />Agency/City such records, reports and information as the Executive Director may reasonably require <br />in order to permit City to meet the record keeping and reporting requirements required of it pursuant <br />to 24 CFR 92.508. <br />1117. Uniform Administrative Requirements. Developer shall comply with the <br />requirements and standards of OMB Circular No. A-122, "Cost Principles for Non-Profit <br />Organizations," and with the following Attachments to OMB Circular No. A-110: <br />(a) Attachment A, "Cash Depositories", except for paragraph 4 <br />concerning deposit insurance; <br />(b) Attachment B, "Bonding and Insurance"; <br />(c) Attachment C, "Retention and Custodial Requirements for Records", <br />except that in lieu of the provisions in paragraph 4, the retention period for records pertaining to <br />individual CDBG activities starts from the date of submission of the annual performance and <br />evaluation report, as prescribed in 24 CFR 570.507, in which the specific activity is reported on for <br />the final time; <br />(d) Attachment F, "Standards for Financial Management Systems"; <br />Paragraph 2; <br />(e) Attachment H, "Monitoring and Reporting Program Performance", <br />(f) Attachment O, "Procurement Standards." <br />1118. Conflict of Interest. Developer shall comply with and be bound by the conflict of <br />interest provisions set forth at 24 CFR 570.611, as well as state regulations pertaining to conflict of <br />interest. <br />1119. Monitoring. Developer shall cure any defects or deficiencies found by the <br />Agency/City while conducting such inspections within two weeks of written notice thereof, or such <br />longer period as is reasonable within the sole discretion of the Agency/City. <br />1120. Recertification of Tenant Income. <br />(a) Developer shall take all necessary steps to review the income of all <br />tenants prior to renting to them, as well as reviewing current tenants on an annual basis, in <br />35 <br />25F-41