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The Goals and Objectives and Projeccs, Programs and Expenditures included in this <br />Implementation Plan reflect the financial constraints of the Agency to implementing the <br />Redevelopment Plan over the five-year term of the Implementation Plan. As mentioned earlier <br />and shown below, over the next five-year period the Agency's revenues have been committed <br />to paying existing debt. As a result, the Agency has very little latitude with the discretionary <br />actions that it may undertake. Agency discretionary actions will be primarily limited to assisting <br />developers or owners that can front the costs for development on projects that are not <br />financially feasible with the agreement that the developer will be repaid from tax increment <br />generated from the proposed development. Should substantial new development occur or <br />property sales that exceed current trends, there may be additional discretionary revenues <br />available to fund projects. <br />REVENUES <br />At the time a Redevelopment Plan is adopted for a project area, the taxes generated from <br />taxable value of property in the area (often referred to as the base year value) continue to be <br />distributed to each of the taxing entities, which levy a property tax in the Merged Project Area. <br />The property taxes that occur due to growth in taxable value above the base year value are <br />allocated to the redevelopment agency. This amount is commonly referred to as tax increment <br />revenues. <br />Over the five-year period from FY 2010-11 to FY 2014-15, the Gross Tax Increment Revenue is <br />projected to total $268.4 million. From this amount, the Agency is required under <br />Redevelopment Law to set aside 20 percent of the Gross Tax Increment Revenue to be spent on <br />affordable housing. The Agency sets asides more than the required 20 percent and the <br />projected deposit to the Housing Fund amounts to $69.7 million for the period. Additional <br />contractual and statutorily mandated pass through allocations to various affected taxing <br />agencies are also made and are projected to amount to $56.9 million for the period. The County <br />is projected to collect an additional $1.5 million for County administrative overhead expenses <br />allowed under SB 2557 for the period. The resulting Net Tax Increment Revenue remaining for <br />Agency debt payments, administration and capital improvement expenditures is projected to <br />total $140.3 million. <br />Santa / Sri nunit Redevelopment A enc Im i do P Jul 1, 2, ?" 't, vJune 30, 2015 <br />For tnea Santa Ana Redelopmennt Project rg- dn y ,c Page 32