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all blight in the Merged Project Area, but rather addresses how the Agency intends to <br />contribute to the elimination of blight within the Merged Project Area. <br />In summary, the Agency proposes to focus its activities on eliminating physical and economic <br />blight conditions through the construction of public improvements and assisting the private <br />sector in developing vacant and/or underutilized properties. It is the Agency's hope and intent <br />that the Redevelopment Implementation Plan as proposed, if fully implemented, will encourage <br />further private sector investment in commercial designated areas. Table 7 shows the <br />relationship between the Agency's goals and objectives, and projects and programs for the <br />elimination of Blight. <br />Santa Ana Coi Redevelopment Agency ImpJ,r r ? t 04in <br />For the Merge Ana Redevelopment Project114X4X11 44 <br />July 1, 2010 to.i- , 2015 <br />ge 37