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APPLICABILITY OF INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS <br />Redevelopment project areas adopted prior to January 1, 1976, are not subject to this legal <br />requirement. All of the subareas in the Merged Project Area were adopted after December 31, <br />1975, with the exception of the Central Project Area. Thus, all of the Merged Project Area, <br />excluding the Central Project Area, has inclusionary housing obligations. <br />METHOD OF CALCULATION OF INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS <br />The percentage of housing units that must be available at an affordable housing cost varies by <br />whether the housing constructed or rehabilitated was developed by a redevelopment agency or <br />by another party. The Agency has not produced housing per the definition contained in Section <br />D above. A written agreement with the Agency requiring affordable housing covenants does <br />not meet the definition of agency-produced housing. <br />The definition of substantial rehabilitation changed as of January 1, 2002. Prior to that time, <br />any substantially rehabilitated units counted if they were in complexes of three or more units <br />(triplexes or larger). <br />For housing constructed or substantially rehabilitated by persons or entities other than a <br />redevelopment agency, at least 15% of the units developed within the Merged Project Area <br />must be available to households of low or moderate income. Of this number, not less than 40% <br />must be available to very-low income households. For example, for every 100 units produced, <br />15 must be affordable. Of these 15 units, at least six units must be available to households with <br />very-low income and the remaining nine units can be available to households of low or <br />moderate income. Any fraction is rounded up, so for 101 units produced, 16 must be <br />affordable and of that total, seven must be available to very-low income households. <br />INCLUSIONARY HOUSING PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS <br />The following summarizes the new construction and substantial rehabilitation units created in <br />the Merged Project Areas since adoption: <br />Table 19: Residential Units Created (Project Area Adoption - FY 2010) <br />Plan Adoption - FY 1999 881 <br />FY 2000 - FY 2004 4 260 <br />FY 2005 - FY 2010 <br />Third Street 1 <br />Skyline (Hutton Center) 349 <br />Total Units Developed in Merged Project Areas 1,491 <br />3 This assumption is based on previous Implementation Plan. <br />4 This assumption is based on previous Implementation Plan. <br />Santa Ana Community Redevelopment Agency Im do P%%p?n <br />For the Merged Santa Ana Redevelopment ProjeciQQ v08-54 <br />July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2015 <br />Page 50