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approval of such plans, the Developer shall revise the portions of such plans identified by the <br />Agency/City as requiring revisions and resubmit the revised plans to the Agency/City. The Design <br />Development Drawings shall be consistent with the Site Plan and the approved Basic Concept and <br />Schematic Drawings. <br />302.1.1 Special Development Requirements. The Design Development <br />Drawings shall, to the extent compatible with applicable design requirements of the City of Santa <br />Ana and the Project Documents, incorporate design elements and building practices that will reduce <br />the maintenance and utility costs, and also reduce the adverse environmental impacts otherwise <br />associated with residential construction. Such design elements and practices may include, but are not <br />limited to passive solar design, environmentally sensitive landscaping, installation of energy efficient <br />furnaces and water heaters (Energy Star Appliances), and installation of high efficiency toilets. <br />302.2 City Review and Approval. The City and the Agency shall have all rights <br />to review and approve or disapprove all Design Development Drawings and other required submittals <br />in accordance with the Santa Ana Municipal Code and this Agreement, and nothing set forth in this <br />Agreement shall be construed as the City/Agency's approval of any or all of the Design Development <br />Drawings. <br />302.3 Basic Concept and Schematic Drawings. The Basic Concept and <br />Schematic Drawings for the Project were submitted to the Agency and City prior to the execution of <br />this Agreement by Developer. Agency and City shall review and approve, conditionally approve or <br />disapprove the Basic Concept Drawings for the Project (and Developer shall make any required <br />revisions) within the time set forth in the Schedule of Performance for Agency and City approval of <br />the Design Development Drawings. The Basic Concept and Schematic Drawings generally depict all <br />improvements and include the Site Plan, all exterior elevations, renderings showing the exterior <br />design, architectural style, and appearance of the affordable housing development, landscaping <br />concepts, and the interior floor plans for each unit to be developed on the Property. The objective of <br />the Basic Concept and Schematic Drawings prepared and submitted by the Developer to the City was <br />to provide reasonable opportunity to evaluate the aesthetic appearance, neighborhood compatibility, <br />and general scope and quality of the Project on the Property. The Improvements shall be developed <br />in accordance with the approved Basic Concept and Schematic Drawings and related documents, <br />except for such changes which may be mutually agreed upon between the Developer and the <br />Executive Director. Any such changes shall be within the limitations established in the approved <br />Design Development Drawings. In the event of any inconsistency between the Design Development <br />Drawings and the Basic Concept and Schematic Drawings, the approved Design Development <br />Drawings shall govern. <br />302.4 Revisions. Any and all change orders or revisions required by the City and <br />its inspectors which are required under the Municipal Code and all other applicable Uniform Codes <br />(e.g. Building, Plumbing, Fire, Electrical, etc.) and under other applicable laws and regulations shall <br />be included by the Developer in its Design Development Drawings and other required submittals and <br />shall be completed during the construction of the Improvements. <br />302.5 Defects in Plans. The Agency and the City shall not be responsible either <br />to the Developer or to third parties in any way for any defects in the Design Development Drawings, <br />nor for any structural or other defects in any work done according to the approved Design <br />Development Drawings, nor for any delays reasonably caused by the review and approval processes <br />established by this Section 302. <br />DOCSOC/ 1469583 v5/200272-0003 <br />II