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delivery to Agency and City of a true copy of each and any notice provided by the Senior Lender for <br />the Project to Developer (as its borrower) during the term of the Senior Loan for the Project; (b) a <br />reasonably extended cure period and right to Agency and City to cure and assume the Senior Loan, <br />and/or other senior lien(s) for the Project upon the same terms applicable to the approved financing <br />to Developer pursuant to the loan documents applicable thereto with such right, but with no <br />obligation, to the Agency and City being available both from the date of issuance of any notice of <br />default through and after the recordation of a formal Notice of Default by the Senior Lender for the <br />Project pursuant to applicable California Code of Civil Procedure foreclosure requirements, and (c) a <br />right of Agency and City to cure a default on each of the senior loan(s) for the Project prior to <br />foreclosure and after recordation of a Notice of Default pursuant to applicable California Code of <br />Civil Procedure requirements; and such cure rights may also include: (d) a right of Agency and City <br />to negotiate with the Senior Lender(s) for the Project after notice of default from the Senior <br />Lender(s) and prior to foreclosure, (e) an agreement that if prior to foreclosure of the Senior Loan for <br />the Project, Agency or City takes title to the Property and cures the default on the senior loan(s) for <br />the Project, the Senior Lender(s) will not exercise any right it may have to accelerate the Senior Loan <br />by reason of the transfer of title to Agency or City, and (f) a right of Agency and City to acquire <br />Developer's interest in the Property from Developer at any time after a material default on the Senior <br />Loan for the Project. <br />400. [RESERVED] <br />500. LOANS <br />501. Agency Loan. <br />501.1 Amount and Purpose. Subject to the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement, Agency agrees to make the Agency Loan to Developer from tax increment money in the <br />principal amount of up to $3,888,497 for those purposes described in this Agreement. <br />501.2 Agency Promissory Note and Deed of Trust. The Agency Loan shall be <br />evidenced by the Agency Promissory Note in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F. The Agency <br />Loan shall be secured by the Agency Deed of Trust in the form attached hereto as Exhibit H-1. The <br />Agency Deed of Trust shall be a deed of trust encumbering the Property in second position, <br />subordinate only to the Senior Loan Deed of Trust. <br />501.3 Use of Agency Loan Proceeds. Proceeds of the Agency Loan shall be used <br />only for costs incurred by Developer to construct the Improvements as set forth in the approved <br />Project Budget. <br />501.4 Agency Loan Terms. The terms and conditions of the Agency Loan are as <br />set forth in the Agency Promissory Note which is a residual receipts note. <br />502. City Loan. <br />502.1 Amount and Purpose. Subject to the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement, City agrees to make the City Loan from HOME Program funds to Developer in the <br />principal amount of up to $2,500,000 for those purposes described in this Agreement. <br />19 <br />DOCSOC/ I469583v5/200272-0003