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(f) Such policies shall carry out the adopted affirmative marketing <br />procedures of the City of Santa Ana, which are designed to provide information and otherwise attract <br />eligible persons from all racial, ethnic and gender groups in the housing market area to the units. <br />Prior to the date of this Agreement, City has provided Developer with the City's affirmative <br />marketing procedures; and <br />(g) Developer and Agency shall cooperate to effectuate the tenant <br />selection policies described in this Section prior to the initial renting, or upon occurrence of a <br />vacancy, and the re-renting of any Affordable Unit. <br />1205.5 Termination of Tenancy. Developer, its successors or assigns, must <br />adhere to federal and state law requirements with regard to termination of any tenancy of each and <br />every Affordable Unit. Developer may not terminate the tenancy or refuse to renew the lease of a <br />tenant of an Affordable Unit within the Project except for failure to pay rent, serious or repeated <br />violation of the terms and conditions of the lease; for violation of applicable federal, state, or local <br />law; or for other good cause. Any termination or refusal to renew must be preceded by not less than <br />30 days by Developer's service upon the tenant of a written notice specifying the grounds for the <br />action. <br />1205.6 Termination of Management Contract; Replacement of Management <br />Agent. [f at any time the Agency determines that the units are not being managed or maintained in <br />accordance with the approved Management Plan, Developer shall change the management agent or <br />the practices complained of, upon receipt of written notice from the Executive Director. The <br />Executive Director may require Developer to change management practices or to terminate the <br />management contract and designate and retain a different management agent. The management <br />contract shall provide that it is subject to termination by Developer without penalty, upon thirty (30) <br />days prior written notice, at the direction of the Executive Director. Within ten (10) days following a <br />direction of the Executive Director to replace the management agent, the Developer shall select <br />another management agent or make other arrangements satisfactory to the Executive Director or <br />designee for continuing management of the Housing Units. <br />1206. Vouchers. Developer, its successors and assigns, shall not refuse to lease a unit to a <br />holder of a rental voucher under 24 CFR part 887 (Housing Choice Voucher Program) or to a holder <br />of a comparable document evidencing participation in a tenant-based assistance program because of <br />the status of the prospective tenant as a holder of such certificate of family participation, rental <br />voucher, or comparable tenant-based assistance document. Total rents charged to such tenants, <br />including the tenant contribution and rental assistance, shall not exceed the Affordable Rent <br />permitted to be charged pursuant to this Agreement, the Affordability Restrictions, the NSP <br />Documents and the NSP Requirements. <br />1207. Lease Requirements. Developer shall execute or cause to be executed a written <br />lease in a form approved in writing by Agency and City (other than immaterial modifications thereto) <br />which complies with the applicable HOME Regulations, the Redevelopment Law, the NSP <br />Requirements and all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, with each tenant <br />household identifying by name all permitted occupants, both adults and minors, occupying each unit. <br />The lease between tenants occupying the units and Developer must be for not less than one year, <br />unless by mutual agreement between the tenant and Developer. The lease may not contain any of the <br />following provisions (in which references to "owner" shall mean the Developer, its successors or <br />assigns): <br />39 <br />DOCSOC/ I469583v5/200272-0003