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1210. Monitoring and Recordkeeping. Throughout the Term of this Agreement, <br />Developer shall comply with all applicable recordkeeping and monitoring requirements set forth in <br />the Redevelopment Law, the NSP Requirements and the HOME Program, including Section 92.508 <br />(or successor regulation) of the HOME Regulations and Section 33418 of the Redevelopment Law, <br />and shall annually complete and submit to Agency/City a Certification of Continuing Program <br />Compliance substantially in the form of Exhibit N hereto, or other form provided by the Executive <br />Director. Representatives of the Agency and City shall be entitled to enter the Property, upon at least <br />twenty-four (24) hours notice, to monitor compliance with this Agreement, to inspect the records of <br />the Project, and to conduct an independent audit or inspection of such records. Developer <br />acknowledges and agrees that an Agency and/or City representative will inspect and audit the Project <br />on not less than an annual basis to confirm Developer's compliance with the management, <br />maintenance, and operational requirements set forth in this Agreement (including, without limitation, <br />compliance with the Redevelopment Law, HOME Regulations, and NSP Requirements). Developer <br />agrees to cooperate with City in making the Property and all Housing Units thereon available for <br />such inspection(s) or audit(s). Developer agrees to maintain records in a businesslike manner, to <br />make such records available to the Agency and City upon twenty-four (24) hours notice, and to <br />maintain such records for the entire Term of this Agreement. Developer shall cure any defects or <br />deficiencies found by the Agency/City while conducting such inspections within two weeks of <br />written notice thereof, or such longer period as is reasonable within the sole discretion of the <br />Agency/City. <br />Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Developer shall prepare, maintain and <br />submit to the Agency, as appropriate, the following records and reports in compliance with Health <br />and Safety Code Section 33418 and 24 CFR 92.504(c)(12): <br />1210.1 Annual Reports. Developer shall file with the Agency an Annual Report <br />(herein referred to as the "Annual Report") within one hundred fifty (150) days following the end of <br />each calendar year, commencing with the end of the calendar year (or portion thereof) in which the <br />first disbursement of the Loans occurs. The Annual Report shall contain a certification by Developer <br />as to such information as the Executive Director may then require, including, but not limited to, the <br />following: <br />(a) The fiscal condition of the Project, including the Annual Budget; an <br />updated Project cash flow projection; a financial statement for the previous calendar year that <br />includes a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement indicating any surplus or deficit in operating <br />accounts; a detailed itemized listing of income and expenses; and the amounts contained in any fiscal <br />reserves. Such Annual Budget and financial statement shall be prepared in accordance with <br />generally accepted accounting practices, consistently applied. The Executive Director may require <br />that the financial statement be audited at Developer's expense by an independent certified public <br />accountant acceptable to the Executive Director. Each annual financial statement submitted by <br />Developer shall include a report showing the amount of Residual Receipts produced by the Project in <br />the applicable year, to enable the City and Agency to evaluate the amount of Residual Receipts <br />payments required to be made on the Loans for such year, as required by the Promissory Notes. <br />(b) Any substantial physical defects in the Project, including a description <br />of any major repair or maintenance work undertaken or needed in the previous and current years. <br />Such statement shall describe what steps Developer has taken in order to maintain the Project in a <br />safe and sanitary condition in accordance with applicable housing and building codes and the <br />property standards set forth in 24 CFR 92.251. <br />41 <br />DOCS00 I469583v5/200272-0003