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public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and otherwise comply <br />with generally accepted accounting principles review requirements, and (c) a certificate of <br />Developer's chief financial officer that such documents: (i) were prepared in accordance with <br />generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis or in accordance with such <br />other principles or methods as are reasonably acceptable to Agency/City, (ii) fairly present <br />Developer's financial condition, (iii) show all material liabilities, direct and contingent, and <br />(iv) fairly present the results of Developer's operations. Developer shall also provide the <br />Agency/City with any other annual audit reports issued by other monitoring agencies. Developer <br />shall include in said reports a residual receipts report. In addition to the foregoing, Developer shall <br />comply with the requirements set forth in Section 1210. <br />1506. Audits and Access to Records. Developer agrees that Agency/City, the U.S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Comptroller General of the United States or <br />any of their authorized representatives shall have the right of access, upon reasonable notice, to any <br />books, documents, papers, or other records of Developer which are pertinent to this Agreement in <br />order to make audits, examinations, abstracts, excerpts or transcripts. Developer will maintain all <br />books and records pertaining to this Agreement for a period of not less than five (5) years after all <br />matters pertaining to this Agreement (i.e., audit, disputes or litigation) are resolved in accordance <br />with applicable federal or state laws, regulations or policies, and when a period of affordability or <br />recapture applies to Developer's activities, for a period of not less than five (5) years after the <br />affordability or recapture period ends. In addition to the foregoing, Developer shall comply with the <br />requirements set forth in Section 1210. <br />1507. Termite Inspection Report. Developer shall deliver a termite report pertaining to <br />the Property to the Agency/City every fifth (5th) year beginning January 2016. <br />1600. OTHER NEGATIVE COVENANTS <br />While any obligation of Developer under the Promissory Notes or Deeds of Trust remain <br />outstanding, the following provisions shall apply, except to the extent that Executive Director <br />otherwise consents in writing: <br />1601. Default on Senior Loan. Developer shall not default on any of the Senior Loan <br />documents, provided however, that Developer shall have such period as is provided in the Senior <br />Loan Documents during which to effectuate a cure. <br />1602. Transfers of Interest in Property or Agreement. <br />1602.1 Prohibition. The qualifications and identity of the Developer are of <br />particular concern to the Agency and City. It is because of those qualifications and identity that <br />Agency and City have entered into this Agreement and the other Project Documents with the <br />Developer. For the period commencing upon the date of this Agreement and until the expiration of <br />the Term hereof, no voluntary or involuntary successor in interest of the Developer shall acquire any <br />rights or power under this Agreement, nor shall the Developer make any total or partial sale, transfer, <br />conveyance, assignment, subdivision, refinancing or lease of the whole or any part of the Property or <br />the Improvements thereon without prior written approval of the Agency/City, except as expressly set <br />forth herein. Any proposed total or partial sale, transfer, conveyance, assignment, subdivision, <br />refinancing or lease of the whole or any part of the Property or the Improvements will constitute a <br />Default pursuant to Article 2000 hereof. <br />49 <br />DOCSOC/ I469583v5/200272-0003