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this Agreement within ninety (90) days (unless extended pursuant to Section 1905) and thereafter <br />diligently restores the Property in accordance with this Agreement; <br />(f) Work on the construction ceases for thirty (30) consecutive days for <br />any reason (other than governmental orders, decrees or regulations, acts of God or any other deity, <br />strikes or other causes beyond Developer's reasonable control), provided that the same do not, in the <br />aggregate and in the Agency/City's reasonable judgment, threaten to delay the completion of the <br />construction beyond the required completion date set forth in the Schedule of Performance; <br />(g) Developer is enjoined or otherwise prohibited by any Governmental <br />Authority from constructing and/or occupying the improvements and such injunction or prohibition <br />continues unstayed for sixty (60) days or more for any reason; <br />(h) Developer is dissolved, liquidated or terminated, or all or <br />substantially all of the assets of Developer are sold or otherwise transferred without the Executive <br />Director's prior written consent; <br />(i) Developer is the subject of an order for relief by a bankruptcy court, <br />or is unable or admits its inability to pay its debts as they mature, or makes an assignment for the <br />benefit of creditors; or Developer applies for or consents to the appointment of any receiver, trustee, <br />custodian, conservator, liquidator, rehabilitator or similar officer for it or any part of its property; or <br />any receiver, trustee, custodian, conservator, liquidator, rehabilitator or similar officer is appointed <br />without the application or consent of Developer and the appointment continues undischarged or <br />unstayed for ninety (90) days; or Developer institutes or consents to any bankruptcy, insolvency, <br />reorganization, arrangement, readjustment of debt, dissolution, custodianship, conservatorship, <br />liquidation, construction or similar proceeding relating to it or any part of its property; or any similar <br />proceeding is instituted without the consent of Developer and continues undismissed or unstayed for <br />ninety (90) days; or any judgment, writ, warrant of attachment or execution, or similar process is <br />issued or levied against any property of Developer and is not released, vacated or fully bonded within <br />ninety (90) clays after its issue or levy; or <br />0) (i) any of the Senior Loan documents is revoked or terminated, in <br />whole or in part and for any reason (except due to repayment in full of the Senior Loan), without the <br />Executive Director's prior written consent, or (ii) Developer defaults or otherwise fails to perform <br />any of its duties or obligations under or in connection with any of the Senior Loan documents, <br />subject to all applicable notice and cure periods, or (iii) any of the Senior Loan documents is <br />amended, supplemented or otherwise modified without Agency/City's prior written consent, which <br />consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained <br />herein, Agency/City hereby agrees that any cure of any default made or tendered by Developer's <br />Limited Partner shall be deemed to be a cure by Developer and shall be accepted or rejected on the <br />same basis as if made or tendered by Developer. <br />2002. Remedies Upon Default. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, <br />Agency/City may, at its option and in its absolute discretion, do any or all of the following: <br />(a) By written notice to Developer, declare the principal of all amounts <br />owing under the Loan Documents, together with all accrued interest and other amounts owing in <br />connection therewith, to be immediately due and payable, regardless of any other specified due date; <br />DOCSOC/ 1469583v5/200272-0003 <br />57