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CWIB Contract No, M152113 <br />CWIBISaota AnaWoNforce Investment Boertl <br />Pagel of T <br />EXHIBIT B <br />(Standard Agraemenf? <br />BUDGET DETAIL AND PAYMENT PROVISIONS <br />lovoicin <br />rovatoianlnvcice,the <br />A. Forsemisassatlsfastorifyrentleredand upon receiplandsop <br />CWIB agrees to compensate the Sanha Are Workforc? Investment Board a (oral sum nol <br />accordancewiih EahlbhA, Speclf'matloos and the chatl below <br />B. The lnvolce must reierenoe the CWiB Contrast Number M182113 and shall be submiiletl <br />upon satisfactory complatlon In iripllcaie In arrears to: <br />CatifomiaWorkforce tnuesimentBoard <br />Aitn', Beverly0dom <br />177121h Street, Buife2g0 <br />Saoramenio, Cq 96814 <br />to eaoeetl flue Thousand Dollars and No Cents l$6,00gg, for actual eapanditures'm <br />2. BudgetOonfmgenoyClause <br />It Is mutually understood between the paellas that fhls Rgreement may have been written <br />before asceelaining iha availabTify of oongressional andlegislaflua appropriation oifunds, <br />forthe mutual beneflf of both paellas, In ordario avoid program and (Iscal delayswhlch <br />would occur If ihaggreament were a»aeutedaBerfhat daterminat'mn was made. <br />This Rgreemenf Is valid and enforceable only d(1? suffmienifuntls are made available by <br />the Sfafe BudgefAci oifhe appropriate Siaie Flsoal Yeer?s) savored byfhls Agrsemenlfor <br />the purposes oifhis program; and (2) suffldenf funds are made available to the State by the <br />United Slates Government or by the State of Cal?orniaforfh,e Flsoal Year(s) covered by this <br />Agreement forthe purposes of this program. In addition, this Agreementis subjactfe any <br />addlGonal resiridloos, limitations orocntlldons esiabllshed by the United States Oovemmeof <br />andlorihe Bate of CalHomia, orany statute enacted by the Congress and Legislature, <br />which may affaoilhe provisions, terms orfundNg of the RgreemeM In coy manner. <br />CWIB hasthe aptloMo terminaleihe agreement underihe 3Pday{erminatlon clauseerlo <br />amend the Rgreement to retied any reduction of funds,