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2010/11 - 2014 -15 CITY OF SANTA ANA CONSOLIDATED PLAN I 2011/12 <br />ACTION PLAN <br />neighborhoods that have been hard hit by the slump in the housing market and sub -prime <br />market collapse. The City was also notified in January 2010 that it was awarded <br />$10,000,000 in NSP2 funds (a nationwide competition). These resources will be used in the <br />same manner as NSP1 funding. Between both NSP awards, the City anticipates assisting <br />140 households to become new homeowners. Additionally, the City anticipates producing <br />at least 54 newly refurbished rental units that are affordable to very low- income <br />households. <br />BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING <br />The City will implement an array of housing programs in order to enhance and expand the <br />supply of affordable housing in Santa Ana. As outlined above, the City will provide housing <br />rehabilitation programs for both owner- and rental- housing units. Additionally, programs to <br />provide new homeownership opportunities will be undertaken with NSP funding. For <br />renters, the City will evaluate various activities including rental assistance vouchers, <br />acquisition and rehabilitation, and also may consider new construction activities. The City <br />will continue to utilize its strategy to leverage federal funds with non - federal resources, <br />especially those available to nonprofit housing developers. <br />A new barrier to the provision of affordable housing for Santa Ana residents has come to <br />light in the past year — significant reductions in federal funds (e.g., HOME, CDBG) and a <br />threat from the Governor to eliminate redevelopment agencies. The City utilizes these <br />funding resources to develop and upgrade the community's housing stock. With pending <br />reductions in housing resources, the City will most likely scale back or delay pending and <br />future activities aimed at improving /expanding the City's housing stock for lower income <br />households. <br />LEAD -BASED PAINT <br />As outlined in the City's 2010 -2014 Consolidated Plan, HUD estimates that 74 percent of <br />dwellings built prior to 1980 have some level of lead -based paint. Since over 80 percent of <br />Santa Ana's housing was built before 1980, the City recognizes lead -based paint hazards as <br />an economic and health issue. The cost of removing lead paint often acts as a deterrent to <br />addressing this problem especially for lower income families. The City has implemented <br />HUD's lead -based paint hazards regulations (Title X). These regulations require that certain <br />types of HUD - funded housing activities must be tested for lead -based paint hazards prior to <br />the beginning of any work. If the property owner moves forward with the HUD - funded <br />housing activity, all lead -based paint hazards will be controlled or abated using HUD defined <br />"safe work practices." Complying with lead paint requirements has increased rehabilitation <br />04/21/2011 31 2010 -2011 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />Exhibit 1 <br />