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2010/11 - 2014 -15 CITY OF SANTA ANA CONSOLIDATED PLAN I 2011/12 <br />ACTION PLAN <br />DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES <br />The City of Santa Ana will implement actions to develop institutional structures and <br />enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies, and <br />foster assisted housing improvements and resident initiatives. <br />The City will continue to utilize a network of referrals, contacts and partnerships to <br />implement the strategies outlined in the Consolidated Plan. The City's Workforce <br />Investment Board will work closely with local businesses to identify their workforce needs. <br />The "One Stop" center will assist current and former welfare recipients obtain training and <br />gainful employment. The Center will also help adult displaced workers who are seeking <br />new employment opportunities after being laid -off. <br />In the area of housing, the City will continue to build its relationship with local housing <br />providers such as private developers, nonprofit developers, and neighboring housing <br />authorities, to ensure that limited housing resources are utilized in the most efficient and <br />effective manner possible. The City also will continue to participate in the regional <br />Continuum of Care Steering Committee in order to identify the housing and service needs of <br />the County's homeless. <br />Santa Ana will also be an active participant in the implementation of a regional Analysis of <br />Impediments to Fair Housing working with the Fair Housing Council to monitor and report <br />actions taken to overcome impediments to fair housing choices. With respect to federal <br />HOPWA funds, the City will consult with private, nonprofit, community, and public <br />institutions to assess the needs of persons with HIV /AIDS, and determine the allocation of <br />resources. Finally, the City and the Housing Authority of the City of Santa Ana will continue <br />to work jointly to meet the housing needs of Santa Ana's very low- income renters. <br />STRUCTURES TO ENHANCE COORDINATION IN THE COMMUNITY <br />Coordination will be enhanced between public agencies, private entities, and community <br />residents through various means. For example, coordination between the City and <br />residential neighborhoods will continue to be enhanced through the City's Neighborhood <br />Improvement (NIP) Program. NIP will be responsible for assisting Santa Ana's 63 <br />neighborhood associations by bringing key staff from the City, County, other governmental <br />agencies, the private sector, etc., directly to neighborhoods to address their concerns and <br />needs. Additionally, the City will continue to support the Santa Ana Resource Network's <br />efforts to coordinate the efficient delivery of services to community residents. <br />04/21/2011 33 2010 -2011 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />Exhibit 1 <br />