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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) City of Santa Ana <br />INTRODUCTION <br />iCF International (ICF) is happy to submit this Proposal to the City of Santa Ana (City) to provide environmental <br />consulting services for the upcoming 200 East First American Way residential development. We have been <br />providing environmental expertise services to the City since the late 1990s, and look forward to continuing this <br />relationship with the City. <br />For this project, we have organized a team that will be led by Chad Beckstrom, AICP as Project Director and <br />Renee Escarlo as Project Manager. Chad has a long history working with City staff, dating back more than 15 <br />years, and brings a strong knowledge of the City's environmental review process and local environmental <br />concerns. Renee is a senior project manager and environmental planner with extensive experience managing <br />the preparation of environmental documents to meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (CEQA). <br />FIRM AND PERSONNEL EXPERIENCE <br />ICF <br />ICF is a full-service environmental consulting firm with a long history of serving Orange County cities and <br />working on development projects. We currently have an as-needed environmental services contract with the <br />City of Santa Ana, which is discussed in more detail In the "Project Experience" section. Additionally, we have <br />experience working with 11 other Orange County cities, including: Orange, Irvine, Anaheim, Lake Forest, San <br />Juan Capistrano, Brea, Westminster, Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, and San Clemente. <br />Further, we have experience working with regional agencies such as the Orange County Public Works (OCPW) <br />and the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). <br />To support our local clients, ICF utilizes staff from our Irvine office and expertise from our staff resources <br />throughout southern California. Our Irvine office is located less than 15 minutes from the City's Civic Center <br />office, and is home to most of our proposed team, including our Project Manager, Renee Escarlo and Project <br />Director, Chad Beckstrom. <br />CEQA Documentation and Technical Studies <br />ICF specializes In providing environmental analysis to support local government planning and development <br />projects, Including residential, commercial and industrial projects, mixed use and infill developments. Our <br />primary service is the preparation of CEQA environmental compliance documentation, including Initial Studies <br />(ISs), Negative Declarations (NDs), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), and Environmental Impact Reports <br />(E[Rs). ICF's expertise with CEQA dates back more than 40 years, where our founders (under the legacy of Jones & <br />Stokes) helped drafted the original CEQA legislation in 1970. Also, our in-house environmental counsel co- <br />authored several industry-wide desktop reference guides, including the CEQA Deskbook. A Step-by-Step Guide on <br />How to Comply with the California Environmental QualityAct. A large majority of our senior staff, including Chad <br />Beckstrom serve as regular instructors in our Environmental Education Program, where he and others teach <br />basic to advanced CEQA classes throughout the University of California Extension Program. <br />As was detailed further in our previously submitted Statement of Qualifications, one of the advantages of <br />selecting ICF is our capability to provide supporting technical studies, including the following: <br />¦ AesthetlcsNisual Resources ¦ Geology & Soils. <br />¦ Air Quality/Cllmate Change/Greenhouse Gas a Hydrology/Water Quality <br />(GHG) Emissions ¦ Hazards <br />¦ Cultural Resources ¦ Noise/Acoustics <br />¦ Biological Resources a GIS <br />Use or disclosure of data contAied on this sheet is subject <br />to the resukfion on the title page of this proposal Page 1 <br />25G-13