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Environmental Consulting Services (200 East First American Way) City of Santa Ana <br />requirements. Renee's skill strengths include: collaborative critical thinking, excellent writing, accomplished project <br />management, effective team leadership, and being solution oriented. <br />Project Director. Chad Beckstrom, AICP Is a principal with ICF who brings more than 15 years of experience managing and <br />overseeing the preparation of CEQA documentation for various types of developments. Chad has a long history working <br />with the City. He managed our previous as-needed environmental services contract, where he oversaw the preparation of <br />CEQA documentation for small-scale developments. Chad also provided CEQA advisory services to City staff through <br />formal CEQA training, and under his role as an on-site extension of staff at the City's office for six months. Chad brings the <br />continuity necessary to apply our prior experience and knowledge of the City's processes and preferences to this <br />particular effort. Other additional experience In Orange County includes managing the Alton/Millikan Apartment EIR for <br />the City of Irvine, Moran Senior Condominiums for the City of Westminster, and Brea Mall Expansion EIR for the City of <br />Brea, to name a few. <br />Key Technical Staff <br />AestheticsNisuai Resources. Lisa Randall specializes in visual resource analysis and documentation of project effects on <br />aesthetics. She has over seven years of experience in planning and design. She has conducted visual Impact analyses for a <br />broad range of projects, including residential developments for local cities. For the Alton and Millikan Apartments Draft <br />EIR for the City of Irvine, Lisa conducted an aesthetics analysis of a proposed 156-unit residential complex, evaluating <br />changes In visual resources that would result from the proposed project and visual compatibility with emerging <br />conversion of area from nonresidential uses to urban-style residential development. Lisa also conducted a visual <br />assessment for the West End Lofts Draft EIR for the City of Santa Ana, which included an evaluation of visual context of <br />historic structures constructed in the 1920s and 1930s, including elements of design, scale, and scenic linkages, and the <br />affect the project would have on visual integrity of the district. <br />Air Qtiality/GHG Emissions. Keith Cooper, AICP has more than 12 years professional experience as an air quality specialist <br />preparing documents to meet CEQA requirements. Areas of expertise include criteria pollutant and GHG emissions <br />inventories, air toxics health risk assessments, transportation conformity determinations, and general conformity <br />determinations. Keith has prepared or overseen the preparation of hundreds of air quality impact assessments/reports <br />that document air pollutant emissions and concentrations related to various public infrastructure and private <br />development projects. Keith has a thorough understanding of the National and State Ambient Air Quality Standards, <br />general and transportation conformity requirements, rules and regulations adopted by local air districts (e.g., South Coast <br />Air Quality Management District [SCAQMD% and climate change/GHG emissions quantification and evaluation <br />requirements. <br />Cultural Resources/Archaeology. Mark Robinson, RPA is a registered professional archaeologist with more than 20 years of <br />experience in prehistoric and historical archaeology. He has worked extensively in California and has specialized training <br />in lithic analysis and lithic materials Identification and sourcing. Mark meets the Secretary of the Interior's standards for a <br />professional archaeologist, and has managed all phases of archaeological activities, including surveys, testing, data <br />recovery excavations, monitoring, site evaluation, analysis, report preparation, and archival research. <br />HydrologyMater Quality. Alexa LaPlante has nine years of experience In federal and state water quality permitting <br />compliance, regulatory agency coordination, water quality technical reports and monitoring studies, and water resources <br />planning projects. She has worked on several local, state and federal water supply, flood management, natural resources, <br />and climate change projects. Alexa Is intricately familiar with water resources issues, as well water quality regulatory <br />compliance and related technical studies in California. <br />Geology & Soils. Gary Clendenin, PG is a State of California Registered Professional Geologist with more than 25 years of <br />experience in geology, hydrogeology, and environmental sciences. As a former tenure-track Instructor of geological <br />sciences, Gary has both field and textbook knowledge of the complex fault network in and around southern California. <br />Over the last 20 years, Gary has been involved in all aspects of the environmental consulting practice Including the <br />Use or disclosure of data cvntMed on this sheet is subject <br />to the restrklion on the We page of this proposal. <br />Page 3 <br />25G-15