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Shield Ops and Santa Ana hereby waive the right to a trial by jury in any action, <br />counterclaim, proceeding or litigation arising out of, under or in connection with, or <br />related to, the subject matter of this Agreement. This waiver is knowingly, intentionally, <br />and voluntarily made by Shield Ops and 'Santa Ana and each Party acknowledges that <br />neither the other Party nor any person acting on behalf of such other Party has made <br />any representations of fact to induce this, waiver of trial by jury or in any way to modify <br />or nullify its effect. Shield Ops and Santa Ana further acknowledge that they have been <br />represented (or have had the opportunity to be represented) in the negotiation and <br />execution of this Agreement and in the making of this waiver by legal counsel, selected <br />of their own free will, and that they have ',had the opportunity to discuss this waiver with <br />counsel <br />36. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement may be executed' in any number of counterparts, each of which <br />shall be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one instrument. Electronic <br />or facsimile signatures shall have the sarrne effect as original, ink signatures. <br />In WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed effective as of the date on <br />which this Agreement was last executed below. <br />ATTEST CITY OF NTA NA <br />`??? ice, _? ?- <br />MARIA D. HUIZA DAVID N. REAM <br />Clerk of the Council City Manager <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />Joseph Straka <br />Interim City VAttorney <br />?? 7 <br />sy: <br />Melissa Crosthwaite <br />Deputy City Attorney <br />M ENDED FOR APPROVAL: <br />PAUL WALTERS <br />Chief of Police <br />S D IN <br />c <br />Roy n <br />Co o Secretary a eneral Counsel <br />Version 0930'10 16