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ORDINANCE NO. NS-XXXX <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA ZONING THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT <br />1306-1312 WEST SANTA ANA BOULEVARD FROM <br />SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE (R1) AND BRISTOL STREET <br />SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-1) TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL (GC) <br />(AA NO. 2011-01) <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA DOES ORDAIN AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana does hereby find, determine <br />and declare as follows: <br />A. The Applicant is requesting adoption and approval of Amendment <br />Application No. 2011-01, General Plan Amendment No. 2011-02, and <br />Variance No. 2011-06 to allow a new medical office building at 1306-1312 <br />West Santa Ana Boulevard. <br />B. On May 9, 2011, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public <br />hearing and voted to recommend that the City Council: <br />1. Adopt an ordinance approving Amendment Application No. 2011-01. <br />2. Adopt a resolution approving General Plan Amendment No. 2011-02. <br />3. Adopt a resolution approving Variance No. 2011-06 as conditioned. <br />C. Amendment Application No. 2011-01 came before the City Council of the <br />City of Santa Ana for a duly noticed public hearing on June 6, 2011, to <br />consider all testimony, written and oral. <br />D. Amendment Application No. 2011-01 has been filed with the City of Santa <br />Ana to zone a portion of the property located at 1306-1312 West Santa Ana <br />Boulevard from Single-Family Residence (R1) and Bristol Street Specific <br />Plan (SP-1) to General Commercial (GC). <br />E. Amendment Application No. 2011-01 is consistent with the General Plan, <br />including but not limited to its goals and policies: <br />1. The project will assist in promoting a balance of land uses that <br />address community needs, as the residences in the area will continue <br />to be served by a medical clinic that has been serving the local <br />community for over 60 years. <br />75D-22