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guiding principles. Once in place, it is the province of this Council to <br />examine the specifics of a proposed project to determine whether it would <br />be in harmony with the policies stated in the general plan. <br />F. The City Council has weighed and balanced the general plan's policies, <br />both new and old, and has determined that based upon this balancing that <br />General Plan Amendment No. 2011-02 is consistent with the purpose of <br />the general plan. <br />G. Applicant is requesting approval of Variance No. 2011-06 to allow a <br />reduction in landscaped setbacks for a new medical and professional <br />office building at 1306-1312 West Santa Ana Boulevard. <br />H. On May 9, 2011, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public <br />hearing and voted to recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution <br />approving Variance No. 2011-06. <br />On June 6, 2011, the City Council of the City of Santa Ana held a duly <br />noticed public hearing and at that time considered all testimony, written <br />and oral, related to Variance No. 2011-06. <br />Variance No. 2011-06 has been filed with the City of Santa Ana seeking to <br />reduce the required landscaped setbacks along the street frontage in the <br />C1 district. Section 41-368 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code requires a <br />fifteen (15) foot front and side yard landscaped setback if the yard abuts a <br />public street in the C1 district. <br />K. Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41-638 authorizes the Planning <br />Commission to grant a variance upon making certain findings. <br />That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject <br />property, including size, shape, topography, location or <br />surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance is found <br />to deprive the subject property of privileges not otherwise at <br />variance with the intent and purpose of provisions of this Chapter. <br />The project site has a special circumstance related to its <br />size, shape and location. The property is located at an <br />intersection of two major arterial streets, is adjacent to a <br />heavily utilized bus stop and is in an area that contains a <br />large volume of pedestrian traffic. The shifting of the <br />building closer to the street will encourage pedestrian <br />accessibility to the site and provide easier access to the <br />structure from the adjacent residential uses. <br />Resolution No. 2011-XXX <br />Page 2 of 6 75D-28