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EXHIBIT B <br />ASSURANCES <br />A. The EMPLOYER assures that: <br />1. It will comply with the requirements of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the <br />California Unemployment Insurance Code, as amended, and the regulations and <br />policies promulgated thereunder. <br />2. No OJT participant displaces a regular employee nor shall an OJT participant fill a <br />position of a person who has been laid off from the same or similar position. <br />3. No current employees are receiving unemployment insurance benefits as a result of <br />layoffs or work reductions. <br />4. No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, sex, religion, national <br />origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status be excluded from participation <br />in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any <br />program or activity for which the applicant receives federal financial assistance and will <br />immediately take any measure necessary to effectuate this Agreement. <br />5. It will comply with provisions of the Hatch Act, if applicable, which limits the political <br />activities of employees. <br />6. Individuals receiving training on the job shall be compensated by the EMPLOYER at <br />such rate, including periodic increases, as may be deemed reasonable under <br />regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, but in no event at a rate less than that <br />specified in Section 6 (a) (1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 or, if higher, under <br />the applicable State or local minimum wage law. <br />7. Services and activities provided under this Agreement will be administered by or under <br />the supervision of the EMPLOYER. <br />8. No relative by blood, adoption or marriage of the EMPLOYER may be trained under <br />this Agreement. <br />9. Appropriate standards for health and safety in work and training situations will be <br />maintained. <br />1 O. Conditions of employment or training are appropriate and reasonable with regard to the <br />type of work, the geographical region, and the proficiency of the trainee. <br />11. Training will not be for any occupation which requires less than six weeks of training <br />according to the Specific Vocational Preparation Table (SVP Code). <br />12. Training will, to the maximum extent practicable, be consistent with every individual's <br />fullest capabilities and lead to employment possibilities. <br />13. The program will, to the maximum extent feasible, contribute to the occupational <br />development or upward mobility of individual participants. <br />14. Training will be in accordance with the training plan, which plan incorporates <br />documentation that must be completed by EMPLOYER before end of contract. <br />1