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-b- _ „_ <br />Cc: 'Russell, Andrea'; 'Cheryl Blecker' <br />Subject: First Street Bridge RFP <br />Good morning Mr. Girgls, <br />It was nice talking to you this morning. Below are our questions as they relate to the RFP. You were also going <br />to let us know weather or not we might be able to obtain a copy of the plans to assist us In responding to the RFP. <br />1. Appendix D outlines Federal Requirement. Are any of the Exhibits Included therein to be addressed as <br />part of our proposal? <br />a. In particular, Exhibit 10-1 provides the DBE goal for the Agreement. is the proposer expected to <br />comply with this requirement as stated on page 10-49? <br />b. if so, which forms are to be submitted as part of the proposal? <br />2. The City Identifies 2 positions in its RFP, CM/RE and Inspector. Are we expected to propose additional <br />positions/staffing? <br />3. Attachment A, Affirmative Action, is the only attachment/exhibit specifically requested (Section XV) to <br />be submitted with the proposal. <br />a. Is Attachment C, Non-Discrimination, also required as Non-Discrimination Is addressed in <br />Section XVI? <br />b. Are there any other attachments required to be submitted? <br />4. Page 8, Section XI, Part A, 4, States, "...related water tank projects...." We assume this was meant to say <br />bridge replacement projects. <br />5. Page 7, Section Vill, requires eight (8) copies of the proposal and page 8, Section XI, Part B, requires <br />three (3) copies of the Part B proposal. <br />Are we to submit 8 copies of Part A and only 3 copies of Part B? <br />6. RFP states proposal is limited to 15 pages, excluding appendix materials. Please confirm that covers, <br />table of contents, tabs, and all required forms are not included in the 15 page limit. <br />Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. We look forward to submitting our proposal. <br />Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 989-1779 or via e-mail at <br />twassil@tcmgrou pus. <br />Best regards, <br />Timothy T. Wassil, P.E. I Senior Project Manager I TCM Group I <br />3130-B Inland Empire Blvd. I Ontario, CA 917641 W: 909.527.8580 1 M: 760.989.1779 <br />F: 909.527.85901 www.TCMGroupus <br />FjIg Please consider ttze environment before printing this a-mail <br />file://KAConstructionWPs12010 construction mgmt-1st street bridge replacement\FW First... 1/4/2011