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Additional Insured — Automatic Owners, Lessees Or 4 <br />Contractors <br />ZURICH <br />Yohay No. 1 F.P. 6arc of POL Err. Dora ar ldad_ Aprnay Na. AdH1. Prcm. Return PRrn.. <br />3 / I <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES'Mr, POLICY. PLEASE READ I'I' CAREFULLY. <br />Named Insured: <br />Address (Including ZIP Code): <br />This endorSement modifies insurance provided under the: <br />Commercial Gene/vl X4a1dlity Corers.¢. Part <br />A. Se.•tlon U - XVho av An Inured is ernended to include "an insured eny Person or orgyniaation who you nre re- <br />quired to add as an addibonal inured an [his policy under a written contractor written uAlmu rant. <br />S- Tiro iriverara:n pr—ulcd to it- additioturl insured ptrrson Or orllanisation appliva only to ^bodily injury',"property <br />damage' or "persotud and advertising injury' .Ducted under SVCTT"N r - Cuvsrayc A - P-dily Tut. ry And <br />Property Damage Liability and Section 1 - Coverage 11 - Personal And Adh 11.1mr 1nlluy t.tablltty, but only <br />with rc sperms to liability for "bodily injury', "property damage" or "peraunaL and advertising injury' cataed, in <br />whole or in part., by: <br />1. Your acts Or omissions; or <br />2. The Act. ar omissions of those soling on your behalf: and resulting dircctly from: <br />a. Your unguing upcmtiors performed for the additional insured. which is the subject of the written crtn- <br />rract or writw. agteernenL Or <br />b. "Your work" completed as included in the "prodtrets-eomple tad operations hsrnrd', perfurnFd far the <br />additional insured, which is the subject of the wrinen contract ar written agrccrn ". <br />C. FTow r, regardless of the provisions of paragraphs A. turd 13. abow: <br />1. We will net extend any insurance coverage w any additional insured person or organization: <br />a. That is not lrrM-1dad to you in this policy; or <br />h. That isany broader coverage than you are required to provide to the additional-irsurrcd person or or- <br />gani--rion in the written contract or written xgreenrent; and <br />2. We will not provide Umnite of Insurance to any additional insured person or organisation char exoecd dirt <br />lower of. - <br />a. T he Litniu of Insurarax provided to you in this policy, or <br />b. The Limits of Insurance you arc required to provide in the written contract or ti inen rgreernent. <br />leeladra repcvlghr d materiel of Iruurnaaa sarvicer Offiea, lac., . ilh itr yormiarion. U-nL-t ITa-M CW 1912'rpfi <br />P.A. IaC2 <br />