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Scope of Work <br />Task 7 - Small Starts Templates $ Application <br />A successful Small Starts grant application package requires a depth of understanding of the FTA 5309 Grant <br />Program, a thorough understanding of the project being represented and technical expertise of all aspects of Project <br />Development from engineering, to land use and economic development to financial planning and funding. The <br />Cordoba/SOJ team brings the expertise needed to compile and present in the most advantageous light, all of the <br />materials required for the Small Starts grant application, and the experience necessary to perform the effort efficiently <br />and with a well-honed understanding of the most critical elements and how to convey this information most <br />effectively. o prepare the necessary material to support a successful Small Starts federal capital grant application, <br />under SOJ direction Leon Sklles will coordinate the application templates by providing the outlines to the participating <br />team members. He will. review and compile the completed technical sections of the application to assure that the <br />document is accurate, consistent and cohesive. The various elements will be prepared as follows: <br />Task 1A: Project Description will be written by Cordoba, who has the full and working knowledge of the history, <br />condition and setting of this Project and its area already. <br />Task 1B: Annualized Cost Worksheets will be produced by URS who, together with Cordoba, has already <br />performed and reviewed iterations of preliminary cost estimates for this Project; and will refine them to fit the <br />requirements of this application. <br />Task 1C: Land Use Information will be led by Cordoba, with oversight by SOJ, support from URS and contribution <br />from E.D. Hovee on the projected development and private investment potential of property along the proposed <br />corridor. Santa Ana and Garden Grove's land use policies and existing development patterns support the <br />development of higher density mixed use development that can be served with a fixed guideway system. The full <br />documentation of local plans and commitments will be included. It will show that the transit route serves important <br />attractions in Santa Ana, supports existing and future transit oriented development and provides important <br />connections to Orange County's regional transit system including the Santa Ana Regional Transportation Center. <br />Task 1D: Project Financial Plan & Supporting Information will be led by SOJ, with document support from <br />Cordoba. Applicants must submit an estimate for capital and operating costs and the sources targeted to fund each. <br />FTA will judge the likelihood of the local financial, commitments. A high confidence is needed to qualify for project <br />development. While formal commitments to funding are not required for Project Development submittal, they help <br />considerably in raising the confidence. It Is clear that commitments must be made soon after Project Development <br />approval as FTA will not seek congressional funding commitments until the local commitments are formal. The <br />financial planning completed as part of the Conceptual Engineering/Alternatives Analysis and Environmental Analysis <br />and the information developed as part of the application to OCTA for Preliminary Engineering will serve as the <br />starting point for the Financial Plan. <br />Task 1E: "Making the Case" document will be produced by Cordoba, with major strategic input by SOJ and Leon <br />Skies. In addition to the information prepared as part of the of the application package, the "Making the Case" <br />document will also draw from the Statement of Purpose and Need and other information prepared as part of the <br />Conceptual Engineering/Alternatives Analysis/Environmental Analysis work effort to present the strongest arguments <br />in favor of the project. <br />Optional Task: Economic Development submittal documents would be prepared as an "added" service by E.D. <br />Hovee. We feel this is critical to the success of the Santa Ana-Garden Grove federal rating by the FTA for a Small <br />Starts grant for streetcar, as well as outlining the potential economic development objectives to the community. E.D. <br />Hovee will utilize information developed during the Alternatives Analysis initial screening, and information compiled <br />Section Three - Work Plan 30 <br />25D-34